I love Final Fantasy, but I agree that they keep going downhill. I'm at the end of FFXIII and I just quit playing it. I found most of it to be tedious. I do like the battle system, sort of, more of the speed of battle and cinematics of battle than the class changing. Changing classes every 10 seconds just to keep up with battle/heal your guys just doesn't cut it for me, I found it very frustrating having to do this constantly.
I do like the challenge of the game though. Compared to its predecessors, excluding FFXI (haven't played it, this is by far the most challenging yet. But I think the forced class changing is what makes it challenging rather than tough enemies. Enemies that also recharge full health every few minutes equals BULL [censored]!
I'm looking at you
. I spent over an hour fighting that thing (second fight), in one try. Took me three tries to do it. Every other boss went down pretty easy, although still put up a fight.
As for the story, meh. Could have been better. I don't find Vanile's voice as annoying as most do. Hope was more annoying, I hate crybabies in my party. Just shut the [censored] up and deal with it, Snow didn't kill your mommy. Grow some balls and fight those that
did kill her. This is why I liked Lightning, she doesn't give a [censored] about your feelings, just shut up and fight. Snow was annoying as hell. He belongs in your average everyday run of the mill Anime. The other characters were pretty cool.
The blatantly linear progression was a bad move too. Not too much to say here as most FF games are pretty linear, being JRPG's and all.
Favorite Characters:
FF4: Cecil in Dark Knight form. He should have stayed like this. Mr. Rainbow hair belongs somewhere else.
FF5: Didn't really like any of the characters. They all seemed to generic for me.
FF6: Terra. I dunno I just do.
FF7: Yuffie. Who needs a big sword when you can throw [censored] at people?
FF8: Quistis. She's smart. Also, she looks just like the girl I had a huge crush on at the time... who I rarely get to talk to anymore

Get back from Vegas already!
FF9: Steiner. He's an idiot knight. He belongs in a movie with John Cleese...
FF11: Didn't play it, not going to, I shouldn't have to pay to play a game I've already bought.
FF12: Fran. sixy bunny rabbit. If I were to become furry, she would be the reason. If I ever do, kill me with fire please. Balthier is also pretty cool.