VIII fans unite!

I don't really see why it's so disliked either. I suppose I can understand not liking the junction system (I wasn't overly fond of it to begin with either, but later learned to love it after I fully understood it and knew how to use it well), but a lot of the complaints I hear are about people hating Squall. I really don't see why he's such an apparently dislikeable character. But then, maybe that's because I'm sort of a quiet and introverted person, too. :shrug:
Generally when someone falls back on the Junction system as to why they didn't like VIII, it sort of tells me they didn't really play much of the game. It shows that they were turned off by the initial tutorials, and once you finish those up in well under an hour of gameplay, the Junction system really isn't that difficult to grasp. Not to mention mastering it or even fully understanding it isn't essential to completing the game.
The game did start off incredibly slow though. Even the bit with Ifrit and a lot of your first SeeD mission is pretty boring. In fact, I was pretty bored up until you got to Timber, and even then it was kinda slow til Deling. In comparison, VII started off with the rather exciting assault on the Mako reactor, and IX had the stunning rendition of
I Want to be Your Canary (my personal favorite opening of the series, as well as favorite game). My biggest problem with FFVIII was about the story when you got to the orphanage-
Spoiler Oh hey, we were all friends as kids here with Edea, it's just that 3/4 of us forgot until right this moment!
I know, not a big deal, but it was certainly a low point in an otherwise
great good storyline (even if towards the end it got a little.. out there

). I also hated the final dungeon, but that's pretty average for me and RPGs. Just once I want a boss that realizes I just spent 40 hours tackling his minions all over the world, your shoddy palace filled with the game's most annoying enemies is nothing more than a slight annoyance. Also, never again will I farm Elnoyle cards. Never. Again.
Oh, and I absolutely loved
Spoiler the part where you go to the Lunar Base. It was so unexpected.
Anyway, VIII doesn't deserve the reputation of being the black sheep. It's not the best, but certainly in the top 5 I'd say.