Welcome to the return of the anime thread. After a long break, we have been granted another chance to discuss anime in a centralized manner. Let's not ruin it and show them that their trust is well placed. Now for the rules. There are many new ones, so make sure you read them carefully:
1. This is for the discussion of all things anime and manga. Naturally this allows for discussion of related topics, but discussion is primarily about Japanese animation and manga. If you are not a fan of it, then this is not the place for you.
2. Be courteous of others and use spoiler tags when appropriate. This applies to all content both old and new.
3. Only anime/manga legally available in North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand are allowed to be discussed.
4. Discussion of episodes/chapters that have yet to be released in these regions is strictly forbidden
5. Discussion of imported Asian DVDs is forbidden due to it being impossible to differentiate between someone importing a DVD and illegally downloading.
6. Discussing or requesting where you can download anime/manga is completely forbidden. This is illegal and clearly against the forum rules. There are some stores that legitimately sell anime online, such as iTunes and Funimation's Download-to-Own, and you may mention these services in the thread.
7. Discussing/Linking to episodes uploaded to Youtube (and other user-uploaded video sites) by persons other than official license holders is completely forbidden. This too is against forum rules.
8. Content unsuitable for minors is forbidden. This being a PG-13 forum, such content is not allowed. This applies to images and other linked content: no nudity and no extreme violence/gore. Discussion of these more "mature" series is ok, just don't link to any images of the more mature content. And obviously no pormography, discussion or linked content.
9. All forum rules are in effect (ie: no trolling, flamebaiting, etc)
10. Please report any offenses when you see them.
11. Anything anyone is uncertain about should be asked via PM prior to posting.
[Anime Resources]
http://www.anhymanwsnetwork.com/video/anime | http://www4.funimation.com/video/| http://www.hulu.com/channels/Animation-and-Cartoons/Anime#kind=shows&sort=popular_today | http://www.theanhymantwork.com/ | http://www.vizanime.com/ | http://www.youtube.com/user/bandaientertainment |http://www.youtube.com/user/funimation | http://www.youtube.com/user/MediaB | http://www.youtube.com/user/anhymantwork| http://www.gamesas.com/redirect.php?site=http://www.madman.com.au/actions/video.do?method=home&webChannelId=1 - For our Australian and New Zealand friend's.
[Legal, Online Manga]
http://www.randomhouse.com/delrey/manga/previews.html | http://www.gamesas.com/redirect.php?site=http://www.shojobeat.com/downloads/ | http://www.gamesas.com/redirect.php?site=http://shonenjump.viz.com/onlinemanga/onlinemanga.php | http://www.tokyopop.com/ | http://www.gamesas.com/redirect.php?site=http://www.sigikki.com/
Now for my actual post, I've recently finished the entire Dragonball franchise and though I know it isn't the best in terms of overall, I just got really connected with the characters and its world more than most. Could also be natural after watching 508 episodes, but nonetheless. :shrug: Also, after seeing it about eight months ago while browsing, I decided to sit down and watch Clannad. Currently on the 10th episode of the first part and am starting to enjoy it a lot. It starts out slower but then picks up your interest after a few eps. What are you guys watching?
Side note: Try to warn for potential spoilers before posting them, please. Having an anime spoiled is such a bad feeling, haha.