Are any of these good?
I've played through all the games now, and I enjoyed the ones that are actually in the canon (FEAR 1, FEAR 2, Reborn) thoroughly. Gameplay wise they're solid--nothing to complain about, unless you hate bullet time. As shooters they're good, even verging on great at a lot of points. The story's enjoyable, too--and this is coming from someone who thinks story trumps everything except gameplay fundamentals. They dance merrily on that thin line between B-movie silliness and an attempt at serious storytelling, which...well, it makes for fun drama, IMHO. The games are like popcorn to me. They're just fun to play.
As for how
scary the games are--it varies. I'm a baby when it comes to horror stuff, for the most part, and even for me there were parts that weren't that scary. But then there's also parts like a bit in FEAR 2 in which the game wound me up so tight that when the actual scare happened, I screamed like a little girl and quit directly to desktop.

Monolith isn't all that great at doing actual scares, but the atmosphere's great.
The expansions to the first game (Extraction Point + Perseus Mandate), on the other hand...urgh. There's a reason they're not canon anymore. They keep the good gameplay, but aren't that scary, and also take a header right over the B-movie silliness threshold. Which wouldn't be so bad, except that Extraction Point especially hits every "stupid and nonsensical plot decision" stick on the way down. Even when they were canon, they were stupid and pointless.
Extraction Point did lead me to coin the phrase "Cannibal Jesus," though, so I guess I have to credit it for that. If you buy FEAR 1 on Steam, though, you do get the expansions with it whether you want them or not.

Maybe you could turn them into a drinking game of some kind.