Why shouldnt he get it on steam ? They usually give good offers.
I have my dislikes about Steam. So every chance I get I gotta say "Don't support Steam"
I really enjoyed Conviction. It's pretty watered-down in terms of stealth elements, so if you liked the hardcoe stealth that was present in the previous SC games, you'll be disappointed. If you found the older ones boring, then you'll eat this right up (I happen to enjoy all of them). It's packed with action and has a great story. It's basically "24 the Game".
I enjoyed almost all the Splinter Cell games. I never got to play Pandora Tomorrow, but all the other ones I enjoyed. I like marking targets and then running into a group, hand-to-handing one and then mark executing the others. Like some James Bond business.
I've started to get into TES lately but I have a question.
Is Diablo any good? I've heard of it sometimes when RPG's are mentioned and they have a Diablo 1 and 2 pack in my local Target.
Diablo 2 is a pretty awesome game. I'd say one of the bestest games ever made. Its nothing like Morrowind or Oblivion, but its a realy good game. Point and click style. Gotta go item hunting to make your character godly. Its all about the items. There are three difficulties, Normal, Nightmare, Hell. You have to do NJormal to get to Nightmare, and beat Nightmare to get to Hell. After you beat the game, the story that is, on Hell difficulty, that is where the game truly begins. If you get it, you gotta play it online, a must imo. Borderlands tried to copy Diablo 2, but diddnt do it as great. I wonder if theres more people playing Diablo 2 than Borderlands.
If you're looking for a TES style rpg, don't bother. Diablo is a hack 'n slash action rpg and I wouldn't recommend it if you're hoping for a game with a interesting world/story.
I heard that the Diablo 2 story is good. I cant comment on it from experience, as I've no idea about the story expect there is a bad guys and you gotta kill em. Of all the hours I've put into Diablo 2, I have never payed attention to or tried to pay attention to the story :shrug:
I guess the story must have not been that great at all.