Is Demon's Souls good?
I've heard it's extremely hard. As in hands-your-ass-to-you start to finish hard.
I'm not really a hardcoe rpg player, so I'm not sure if could finish the game if it's so allegedly hard. (I hate not finishing games and when I'm doing bad, I have a horrible habit of getting really angry).
Personally, I would say that most instances of
Demon's Souls being extremely hard are exaggerations. It
is challenging and strict, and urges you to take a careful and methodical approach to everything at all times, and as long as you do that, you won't get killed TOO many times. The game isn't quite as unforgiving as it's made out to be; you're sent back to the beginning with respawned enemies with all of your souls (the in-game currency) gone, but none of the levels are really all that long and souls are very commonplace, you'll never really be at a shortage of them, you'll never be permanently crippled. What the game WILL do, however, is punish you for the confidence, frustration, and/or impatience you'll inevitably feel after dying. critiques give a good overview about
Demon's Souls' level of challenge.
Now if you want my opinion, I enjoyed it immensely, but I don't think it's for everyone. So I'd recommend giving it a rent as well, just to see. And if you really are the type to get angered easily, it might be best not to bother, for reasons the above critiques say. Though you did just miss your chance for a more lenient learning curve; over Valentine's Day weekend, there was a server event that made the game easier (still no walk in the park) for the first half of the week.

Is there a Demo for it? You could try that (if it exists) to get a taste of what the game will be like.
There is no demo.