Towards the end of the last thread, I was
To quote myself:
Hmmm, interesting. By "guts" I didn't mean actual guts. Just... I dunno how to describe it. Just something that isn't a bland happy go-lucky mystery (like Syberia), but something that is darker and more gritty.
I guessed that was what you meant.

I still stand by what I said: my feeling with Barrow Hill was that it was astoundingly average, in terms of plot. I played it once and then never really thought about it again. It's dark, yes, but for me it fell short when it came to making a decent stab at "gritty," mature storytelling. (When I say "mature," I don't mean blood and six and swearing, but...well, more advlt and intelligent, if that makes any sense.) I love a dark and gritty story, personally, but Barrow Hill just started boring me after a while.
I've read that Scratches can be scary... is there any combat I have to worry about? Are there some really good plot twists I won't see coming? Is the interaction with the world extensive, or is it rudimentary? I.e., making critical observations and manipulating/combining objects, as opposed to "pick up object A and insert into object B"?
There's no combat or quicktime events in Scratches, and none of the Sierra trademark "oops, you opened the wrong door, now you die!" silliness. It's a traditional point-and-click adventure game: you pick things up, chuck them in your inventory, then combine them or use them on items later on. It
does rely a great deal on the player's observational skills, though. You'll be doing a lot of reading and critical thinking, on the plot at least, and on some of the later puzzles. Some people have complained that the plot leaves you to do a lot of thinking on your own, but personally, I love that. :shrug:
As for plot first time through the game, I predicted a few of them. Early "twists" tend to play to horror movie cliches. By the end, though...the game's more or less divided into three parts. By the end of the second part, I'd been thrown for several loops I hadn't seen coming, and even a few I thought I had. The story is dark, and gets darker the more you delve into it.