I was looking around, searching for undiscovered locations when I noticed a rather large Mr Handy shaped building.
That looks interesting, I thought, so I went to have a look at it.
It was a minimall run entirely by Mr Handies.
After presenting the Director with a "borrowed" General Atomics ID (and being congratulated on 225 years of service to the company), I wondered if this was another Settlement I could claim.
Another Bot Settlement would be interesting.
Especially considering the amount of Mr Handies floating around, most of them in disrepair (missing limbs, eyes, etc).
Plus I wanted to rewrite the programming of the obnoxious ones.
Not to mention removing the armaments, possibly even literally disarming the Director was a good idea, considering he had faulty threat recognition software.
It was a Bot Modding goldmine.
Then I discovered it was not a proper Settlement.

Given the nature of Automatron's Bot Workshop, this would have been a perfect place to explore Bot modding,
They should have made it a Settlement.