Please keep this thread constructive and positive.
Compiled from C2 issues + community contact thread.
Community also please refer to this thread
Hacks and cheats
: Pirates can play online
: People use cheats. Sit in corner and headshot everyone on the map.
: Permanent invisibility. No Blue halo around player. Do not uncloak when shooting.
:Client disconnect while connecting to server.
:Random disconnects from server.
:the connection to your session has been lost (errors being reported when joining or while playing)
:Countdown timer not always working.
:Some servers do not start and stay in lobby.
:"Session Delete error 0"
:Some users are logged out of multiplayer after disconnecting from a MP game session(Connection with session interrupted you came out of the network
In the console says that "Session Delete error 0"
OR " UserGetPurchaseHistory ERROR 28")
:Lose rank / skill points when quiting the game / or game crash
:Server search filters not saving
:No squad chat
:No way to invite people to squad without them being your friend
:No way to cancel a sent friend request, currently you have to wait for them to accept and then remove them, or leave them, or see if they decline.
:Servers do not reflect information correctly. Pings / player count etc not always showing up correctly.
:Unable to refresh 1 server only. Have to refresh all servers.
Dedicated server
:Management tools are required
:Unable to Rcon to server to kick players or do any management
:Please Provide documentation to manage its server.
:Please Integrate the console / menu to manage its server ingame
:Grendel single shot isn't silenced with silencer equipped
:Sometimes GFX wack out leaving all levels very bright, and cloaked players are cloaked but their guns are still visible
:MP rank does not always save
:Customising loadout makes music replay over itself, apparently there is no limit to how many times this can happen. (lol thought i was going crazy)
:Unlocks disappear and need to be earned again (yes this applies to ranked servers)
:Lack of options to customize ingame
:DX11 Support
:Motion Blur (falls under customize ingame)
:failure to log in
:cd key stuff
:seee referal threads for more information
Questions to crytek.
:Sandbox 3. When will it be released?
:When is the next patch?
Will update this post when possible.