Meh my fault I prob should of left those out of the UF3P BSA, you'll need to load the UF3P esm for the errors to go away or add the UF3P BSA to your sarchivelist in your GECKCustom.ini.
Yhea. Well, thats my problem to atm. I really want to get those errors away, so i need that patch.
But if i use the patch, my mod and the patch are linked together. And then everyone who's going to use my mod, also needs the unofficial patch. I don't like the idea of forcing someone to use something they don't want to.
But working without the patch is also a problem, because that way i can't find errors in my own mod. Those missing textures links appear to much, and then the " MetHallLite01 (01031CDC) does not support external emitterance but ref has explicit emittance data" error pops up also to much. That way its hard for me to find my mistakes.
So, atm, i'm not sure how to solve my situation. A possibility is that i load my mod with the patch active, see what errors there are. And then load my mod alone and fix the errors.