Just a little teaser for another mod I'm working on (which I'll eventually be merged into UF3P)... There are quite a few interior cells that lack room\portal markers, WTF is that you ask? Basically they control what objects to remove from rendering allowing you to have higher FPS without any other noticable effects. The 2 cells I've done it on so far have gone from 30FPS (most intense place I could find in the cell) to 60FPS, a 100% increase in FPS

Doing room\portal markers can be a little time consuming and there is alot of testing to do to make sure nothing is made accidently invisible due to a room maker not covering it fully.
Is there a manual install version in the works? I'm not a fan of mods released in exe form.
Manual version will be out when I'm sure v1.2 won't need any hotfixes... which maybe a week or so, if you want use Universial Extractor on the installer or install to the temp folder then copy the files into your Fallout 3 folder then run the uninstaller.
Thank you for the new version Quarn. All your patches work absolutelly amazing for me and I don't have problems with it all the time.
Today, however, I had difficulties when install new version. At the end of installation I receive set of messages about
Invalid commandline [-installBrockenSteel] , this program is only used for the installer.
The same messages was received for the PLO, Zeta DLC and for GeckArchiveListFix
No messages for the first two DLC-s
At the same time all esp-s was installed succesfully.
Yes I'm aware of the installer error messages, I forgot to include the updated UF3P.exe thats why they are appearing (won't cause any problems).
I would have uploaded the fixed installer last night but Nexus was bugging out\up and down and MediaFire wasn't working right either... the MediaFire mirror has the fixed installer now and I'm currently in the process of uploading the fixed installer to Nexus.
I don't understand your question.
In fallout 3 ver 1.1-1.4 VATS was broken, so Unofficial patch ver 1.1 provide fix for this
In fallout 3 ver 1.5-1.7 VATS was fixed, so Unofficial patch ver 1.2 remove fix for this
-In you use fallout 3 ver 1.5-1.7 with Unofficial patch ver 1.1- you need VATSFIXoff, because it is on
-In you use fallout 3 ver 1.5-1.7 with Unofficial patch ver 1.2- you don't need VATSFIXoff, because it is already off
UF3P: Removed the VATS accuracy perk fix as it was fixed in the official v1.5.0.22 patch (Removed Quest: UF3PVATSPerksFix, Removed Script: UF3PVATSPerksFixScript, Removed Global Variable: UF3PVATSFixOff).