~Auto-Axe: Already partially fixed in the current UF3P version, can't fully fix it since NifSkope can't handle the axe's animation but atleast the entire thing doesn't disappear anymore.
Ah, the auto-axe. Odd issue, but I noticed a small add on to the current fix of it: when I equip it and attack, the blade vanishes. That's with the UFO3P-Pitt fixes, and that's a hell of a lot better then it completely vanishing.
But, if I unequip it, then re-equip, and attack again, the blade remains there, and it spins. And it remains fixed until I close the game(or maybe just until reload, I'm not sure right now).
While this is odd, it is a neat little fix. Sure, it'll need more testing(like just equip it then re-equip it), but so long as I can get through the Pitt again quick enough(or just add the item and test right away), I can test my theory.