[RELz] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch #2

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:33 am

v1.2.0 Released!
Important: uninstall UF3P before installing the latest version!

The Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch is an extensive mod fixing various bugs throughout the Fallout 3 world and in the official DLC's!

How do I report a bug?
All bugs should be reported on the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch bug tracker http://uf3p.gamedata.us/view_all_bug_page.php (http://uf3p.redirectme.net/). Registration isn't required and highly recommended you use it to report bugs as it will help me greatly in keeping track of everything but of course if you'd prefer you can still post/[email=quarny@gmail.com]email[/email] me any bug reports. When reporting object placement bugs or pretty much anything simply open your console, click the object with the problem or one near it and write down the formID, only report it if the first 2 numbers are 00 (Fallout.esm) or 01 (Anchorage.esm) otherwise it means a mod added that object and it isn't something I can fix.

Important Notes
-The Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch has been created for Fallout 3 v1.1+ english (or v1.0 + fake patch) and should not be used with any other Fallout 3 versions.
-The Unofficial DLC Patches will ONLY work if the DLC's are in your \Fallout 3\Data\ folder otherwise using them will crash your game. If you want to move the DLC's out of G4WL then simply do a file seach in your "C:\Documents and Settings" for *.esm" (make sure the option "Search hidden files and folders" is checked) once found simply cut and paste them into your \Fallout 3\Data\ folder and enable them like any other plugin and also move all bsa's too (*.bsa).
-ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated! activated upon installing UF3P, it will not be deactivated\removed upon uninstalling.
-If you have already been afflicted with the Charon and Ahzrukhal "stuck" bug then it will be reset so you can talk to Charon and initial the event again.
-The Mouse Menu Acceleration Fix will not be removed upon uninstalling the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch, if you want it gone then use the shortcut created in your start menu to remove it before uninstalling.
-The G.E.C.K SArchiveList Fix will not be removed upon uninstalling the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.
-If you are already afflicted the bug that causes Dogmeat\Sergeant RL-3\Fawkes to having massive amounts of HP it cannot be undone, UF3P's fix simply stops it from happening.

Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch is provided free and "as is" for use at your own risk; the creator(s) cannot be held responsible/liable for anything that happens while using it. This product is not created by nor associated with Bethesda Softworks, Zenimax Media, nor any of their affiliates.

The NifSkope Team - no mesh fixes would of been possible without NifSkope, invaluable program!
sialivi - for reporting well over 1100+ issues (which I'm still working on fixing).
Crypton - for providing and setting up the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch bugtracker! Great in helping the project!
MadCat221 - for fixing the issues with plasmarifle.nif, laserpistol.nif, laserrifle.nif, the over glossy hair, the enclave\tesla power armor collar, fixing the nuke imagespace modifier and reporting lots of other bugs!
dr_AllCOM3 - for improving the litter texture fix even more, fixing the incorrect alpha on 2 textures (neoclassicalmaintile03.dds and neodarkmaintile03.dds) and also improving the road chunk texture (roadwasteland01.dds).
ElminsterAU - for the wonderful FO3Edit program!
Ryu Doppler - for fixing the Enclave Officer's Uniform glove clipping into the Pip-Boy if the Pip-Boy glove was unequiped and fixing Elder Lyon's Robe (\Armor\EnclaveOfficer\glovel.nif, \Armor\EnclaveOfficer\gloveml.nif, \Armor\ElderLyons\go.nif, \Armor\ElderLyons\outfitm.nif, \Armor\ElderLyons\outfitf.nif, apperal_Elder_Lyons_Robe.dds).
throttlekitty - for the Head Fixes (HeadChild.nif, HeadChildFemale.nif, HeadFemale.nif, HeadHuman.nif, HeadOld.nif, HeadOldFemale.nif, headchild.egm, HeadChild.tri, HeadChildFemale.egm, HeadChildFemale.tri, HeadFemale.egm, HeadFemale.tri, HeadHuman.egm, HeadHuman.tri, HeadOld.egm, HeadOld.tri, HeadOldFemale.egm, HeadOldFemale.tri).
Alystin - for the GameDaysPassed fix.

And a big thanks to everyone else for sending in bug reports!

Previous Threads:

UF3P: Improved the installer, now uses the "component" view instead of "tasks" also added a warning if DLC(s) are detected in your G4WL folder which would cause Fallout 3 to crash if you tried to load a plugin that relied on the DLC.
UF3P: Fixed the Glowing One glow fix for the Glowing One's invloved in the Tenpenny Tower attack causing it to mess up the variables (Altered Script: MS12FeralGhoulScript, Deleted Script: UF3PGlowingOneGlowFixMS12Script).
UF3P: Fixed the Protectron "flying" fix, as a side effect of fixing it any pre-place dead Protectron had their arms floating off their bodies until you "touched" them (Altered Mesh: \Creatures\Protectron\Skeleton.nif).
UF3P: Fixed the installer appending "Fallout 3" when you selected a folder, eg if I manually selected my Fallout 3 folder it would appear as "D:\Games\Fallout 3\Fallout 3".
UF3P: Removed the VATS accuracy perk fix as it was fixed in the official v1.5.0.22 patch (Removed Quest: UF3PVATSPerksFix, Removed Script: UF3PVATSPerksFixScript, Removed Global Variable: UF3PVATSFixOff).
UF3P: Fixed not being able to loot Ymir\Frank if you happened to kill him while they where in the middle of the event due to the previous fix (Altered Script: YmirSCRIPT).
UF3P: Accidently forgot to fix the "Hollowed-Out Rock" sounds, created the sounds for it previously but forgot to change the container to use the new sounds (Alterted Container: HollowRockContainer).
UF3P: Installer will no longer activate the DLC related patches if you don't actually have the DLC (caused Fallout 3 to crash).
UF3P: Forgot to make an outcast version of the Mr Gutsy brain plate (New Mesh: outcastbrain.nif).
UF3P: Fixed Three Dog looping due to the previously unlocked dialogue not being setup correctly.
UF3P: UF3P's installer will now detect and offer to remove INumHWTHreads from your fallout.ini if it is set to anything other then 2 as it can cause a varying range of crashes. Fallout 3 internally has INumHWTHreads set to 2 so having it stated in fallout.ini at all is useless.

Operation Anchorage: Changed the name of the "T-51b" activator (the thing that actually gives you the armor) to "Winterized T-51b Power Armor" (Altered Activator: DLCAnchT51DisplayArmor01).
Operation Anchorage: Fixed Covert Ops perk, no longer marked as playable as all reward perks should be, also corrected a typo in the description, changed "Operation:Anchorage" to "Operation: Anchorage" (Altered Perk: DLC02CovertOps).
Operation Anchorage: Fixed General Chase's Overcoat not using the correct texture when equipped on a female, even though it is impossible to get this item in normal gameplay it was fixed for the cheaters! (Altered Armor: DLC02OutfitArmyGeneral).
Operation Anchorage: Fixed soldier posing with a Fatman instead of a Missle Launcher (Altered Mesh: dlcanchfatmananimobject.nif).
Operation Anchorage: Fixed 4 typos, changed "Elemndorf" to "Elmendorf" (Altered Note: DLC02ProtocolNote01, DLC02ProtocolNote02, DLC02AmericanIntelNote01, Altered Terminal: DLC02ArtilleryProtocolTerminal).
Operation Anchorage: Fixed American Soldier at the field hospital having an african american head with a caucasian body (Altered NPC: DLC02FF007PatientSittingA).
Operation Anchorage: Fixed the Quartermaster not behaving like all other NPC's in the simulation when killed eg. vanishes when killed ect (Altered NPC: DLC02FieldHQQuartermaster).
Operation Anchorage: Fixed the Explorer perk not working if you took it before you installed Operation Anchorage (New Script: UF3PEPFixOAScript, New Quest: UF3PEPFixOA).
Operation Anchorage: Fixed the Winterized T-51b Power Armor using the standard T-51b texture on the upper left arm when the Pip-Boy wasn't equipped and the gloves using the standard texture (Altered Armor: DLC02ArmorPowerT51b, DLC02ArmorPowerT51bWasteland, New Form List: UF3PArmorWinterizedPower51bList, New Armor Addon: UF3PWinterizedPowerArmor51bLeftHand, UF3PWinterizedPowerArmor51bRightHand).
Operation Anchorage: Fixed Winterized T-51b Power Armor not using the same texture as the rack\stand (Altered Texture Set: DLCAnchT51bArmor, Altered Armor: ).
Operation Anchorage: Fixed the room bounds of the Outcast Outpost's armory room being too small causing the placed mainframes under the T-51b stand to not appear in-game (Altered Cell: DLC02VSS01).
Operation Anchorage: Fixed a suit of Winterized T-51b Power Armor placed to low causing it to clip into the ground and stand (Altered Cell: DLC02AnchorageBattle>Wilderness 1,-4).
Operation Anchorage: Fixed "General Chase's Overcoat" not using the correct texture when dropped onto the ground (Altered Armor: DLC02OutfitArmyGeneral).

The Pitt: Fixed the effect on Gamma Shield Armor not being named the same, changed "Lead-Lined Armor" to "Gamma Shield Armor" (Altered Object Effect: DLC01EnchMetalArmorLead).
The Pitt: Fixed the effect on Filtration Helmet not being named the same, changed "Air Filtration" to "Filtration Helmet" (Altered Object Effect: DLC01EnchMetalArmorLead).
The Pitt: Fixed the effect on Laborer Outfit not being named the same, changed "Wasteland Outfit" to "Laborer Outfit" (Altered Object Effect: DLC01EnchMetalArmorLead).
The Pitt: Fixed the Explorer perk not working if you took it before you installed The Pitt (New Script: UF3PEPFixTPScript, New Quest: UF3PEPFixTP).
The Pitt: Fixed overlapping mesh causing flickering (Altered Mesh: dlcpittneormpwlstairsl01.nif).
The Pitt: Fixed Ashur's Power Armor using the Raider Iconoclast Armor inventory icon instead of its own inventory icon (Altered Armor: DLCPittArmorPowerAshur).
The Pitt: Improved the Steel Ingot fix, optimized script and you'll no longer hear the generic item activation sound (Altered Script: DLC01SteelPlateActivatorSCRIPT).

Broken Steel: Fixed the Pyromaniac perk not affecting the Burnmaster, Zhu-Rong v418 Chinese Pistol and Nuka-Grenade (Altered Form List: PerkPyromaniacWeapons).
Broken Steel: Fixed being able use the unique Flamers to repair the normal Flamers (Altered Form List: RepairFlamer).
Broken Steel: Fixed being able use the unique Gatling Lasers to repair the normal Gatling Lasers (Altered Form List: RepairGatlingLaser).
Broken Steel: Fixed being able use the unique Scoped .44 Magnum's to repair the normal Scoped .44 Magnum's (Altered Form List: RepairScoped44Magnum).
Broken Steel: Fixed being able use the unique Super Sledge's to repair the normal Super Sledge's (Altered Form List: RepairSuperSledge).
Broken Steel: Fixed The Burnmaster, Experimental MIRV, Miss Launcher, A3-21's Plasma Rifle, Zhu-Rong v418 Chinese Pistol and Firelance not setting Harold on fire (Altered Form List: MS10SetHaroldOnFireWeaponsList).
Broken Steel: Fixed Dogmeat's script setting the PlayerHasFollower variable to 0 upon his death (Dogmeat doesn't check PlayerHasFollower nor is he controlled by it at all) which allowed you to aquire a second follower if you already had another follower with you and Dogmeat at the time (Altered Script: DogmeatSCRIPT).
Broken Steel: Fixed Three Dog's dialogue about the Last, Best Hope of Humanity not running for males due to a bad karma check (Altered Dialgoue: 58080).
Broken Steel: Fixed the Explorer perk not working if you took it before you installed The Pitt (New Script: UF3PEPBSFixScript, New Quest: UF3PEPBSFix).
Broken Steel: Fixed forcefield effect not animating properly due to typo in name (Altered Mesh: dlc03enclaveforcefieldglow01.nif).
Broken Steel: Fixed liperty prime wall scan not animating properly due to typo in name (Altered Mesh: dlc03primewallscanfx.nif).
Broken Steel: Fixed project purity water not animating properly due to typo in name (Altered Mesh: dlc03ppurityfxtankrun.nif).
Broken Steel: Fixed 1st person texture errors (Altered Static: 1stPersonDLC03HeavyIncinerator, 1stPersonDLC03LaserScatterGun).
Broken Steel: Tesla Cannon not using the 1stperson texture for the ECCell when in first person (Altered Static: 1stPersonDLC03TeslaCannon, New Texture Set: UF3P1stPersonECCellBS).
Broken Steel: Fixed Aqua Cura cart having bad collision layer type (Altered Mesh: dlc03stagecart.nif).
Broken Steel: Fixed typo causing missing normal map (Altered Mesh: dlc03bnkramp1way01.nif).
Broken Steel: Removed invalid animation from deathclaw cage (Altered Mesh: dlc03deathclawcage.nif).
Broken Steel: Fixed incorrect collision layer type on stove plate (Altered Mesh: dlc03stovenob01.nif).
Broken Steel: Fixed incorrect collision layer type on fence (Altered Mesh: dlc03prmetroclfence01.nif).
Broken Steel: Fixed a condition on the Turret Control System missing a reference for a condition (Altered Terminal: DLC03Sector01Terminal01).
Broken Steel: Fixed Enclave Robobrain's not using the Enclave brain button (Altered Mesh: brain_enclave.nif, Altered Creature: DLC03CrRobobrainEnclave, CrRobobrainEnclave).
Broken Steel: Fixed the already existing Enclave Sentry Bot's not using the new Enclave texture (Bethesda updated them all but these ones) (Altered Creature: RavenRockCrSentryBotGLEnclave, RavenRockCrSentryBotGLEnclave02, RavenRockCrSentryBotMGEnclave, RavenRockCrSentryBotMGEnclave02).
Broken Steel: Fixed the animated Laser Rifle having the same holes in the mesh as the original did (Altered Mesh: dlc03laserrifleanimobject.nif).
Broken Steel: Regenerated all bodymod data and left it uncompressed, the texture join between the head and body is less noticable now.
Broken Steel: Fixed Three Dog talking about how clean the water is before the player even did the quest (Altered Dialogue: 010095BC, 010095BD).
Broken Steel: Fixed Dogmeat being refered to as a puppy when he wasn't actually a puppy (Altered Script: FollowersQuestSCRIPT, Altered Dialogue: FollowersFired>"aroo?" BD072, FollowersHired>"Bark!" 96B8B, FollowersLetsGoNotYet1>"aroo?" 96BA2).
Broken Steel: Fixed Super Mutant Overlord's missing the gore gap for the blown off head part (Altered Mesh: smbonecrusher.nif).
Broken Steel: Fixed Feral Ghoul Reaver's losing their radioactive "glow" effect (Altered Creature: DLC03CrFeralGhoul4A, DLC03WQ03MotherCurieGhoul, DLC03WQ03SunOfAtom, New Script: UF3PReaverGlowFixScript).
Broken Steel: Fixed Glowing One's losing their glow effect (Altered Creature: DLC03WQ03CrGlowingApostle, New Script: UF3PGlowingOneGlowFixScript).
Broken Steel: Fixed the Puppies! perk making you unable to hire a follower when Dogmeat died and was respawned (Altered Script: DLC03CreatorQuestScript).
Broken Steel: Undid the levelling change to Dogmeat, Fawkes and Sergeant RL-3 which caused them to have massive amounts of health (Dogmeat has 15000HP when you're at level 30). Dogmeat\Fawkes\Sergeant RL-3 will only have massive amounts of health if they where just found, if you already found them before Broken Steel was activated then they won't have massive amounts of HP (Altered Creature: FFEU255Dogmeat, MQ08Fawkes, RL3Follower).
Broken Steel: Fixed Aqua Pura killing beggers even if you didn't put the FEV into the water purifier (Altered Script: WaterBeggarNPCSCRIPT).
Broken Steel: Fixed the "Nerves of Steel" perk increasing the action point regeneration rate by only 0.1 point per second (%2.5 increased rate) which sure as hell isn't the advertised "you regenerate Action Points much more quickly than you normally would.", Nerves of Steel will now increase action point regeneration rate by 50% (calculated dynamically by the fActionPointsRestoreRate setting) (Altered Script: DLC03APRegenScript).
Broken Steel: Regenerated all bodymod data and left it uncompressed, the texture join between the head and body is less noticable now.
Broken Steel: Fixed one of the Super Mutant Overlord types not being pickpocketable (Altered Creature: DLC03CrSuperMutant4GunA).
Broken Steel: Fixed the sound of the water gushing out of the 3 pipes at Project Purity sounding rather weak, turns out they accidently used the wrong sound effect (Altered Movable Static: DLC03FXPPWaterFall).
Broken Steel: Undeleted all references and disabled them instead, this will stop Enclave Soldiers spawning before the appropriate quest has been finished.

Point Lookout: Fixed the teddy bear not using the new icon created for it (Altered Misc Item: TeddyBear01).
Point Lookout: Fixed Riverboat Ticket using the note icon instead of the passcard icon which now matches the passcard mesh it uses (Altered Misc Item: DLC04BoatTicket).
Point Lookout: Removed invalid animation from The Krivbeknih (Altered Mesh: dlc04alterevilbook01.nif).
Point Lookout: Fixed the paint rings on the vases not moving down when you activated the pedestal, the animation and scripting for it was all there just Bethesda named the block in the nif incorrectly preventing it from working (Altered Mesh: dlc04aviarypuzzlepaint01.nif, dlc04aviarypuzzlepaint02.nif, dlc04aviarypuzzlepaint03.nif, dlc04aviarypuzzlepaint04.nif).
Point Lookout: Fixed cabinet door not opening, the animation for it was all there just Bethesda named the block in the nif incorrectly preventing it from working (Altered Mesh: dlc04shackcabinet01doorsingle.nif).
Point Lookout: Fixed railing using a non existant normal map (Altered Mesh: dlc04boardwalkbarricade01.nif).
Point Lookout: Removed invalid animation from the destroyed brain tank (Altered Mesh: dlc04brainpoddead.nif).
Point Lookout: Fixed the buoy's not bobbing around, the animation for it was all there just Bethesda named the block in the nif incorrectly preventing it from working (Altered Mesh: dlc04buoy01.nif).
Point Lookout: Removed the invalid animation from the static buoy (Altered Mesh: dlc04buoy01static.nif).
Point Lookout: Regenerated all bodymod data and left it uncompressed, the texture join between the head and body is less noticable now.
Point Lookout: Punga fruit plants will now be marked as destroyed when you collect them so you can no longer "try" to interact with them (Altered Script: DLC04PungaPlantSCRIPT).
Point Lookout: Fixed the Ghoul Ecology perk's conditions running in the perk selection area instead of the target which made the perk always be in effect on everything not just ghouls (Altered Perk: DLC04FF06GhoulEcology).
Point Lookout: Fixed the Mirelurk Ecology perk's conditions, it was checking to see if the player was a Mirelurk instead of the target thus the extra damage was never applied. Also fixed the conditions, it was checking to see if the target was a "Mutated Animal" more then just Mirelurk's are classed as a "Mutated Animal" so added an extra check so the damage is ONLY applied to Mirelurk's (Altered Perk: DLC04MirelurkEcology).
Point Lookout: Fixed NavMesh error in the Lighthouse (Altered Cell: DLC04Lighthouse).
Point Lookout: Fixed Feral Ghoul Reaver's losing their radioactive "glow" effect (Altered Creature: DLC04CrFeralGhoul4A, New Script: UF3PReaverGlowFixScript).
Point Lookout: Fixed the floating wall idle markers causing Panada to float (Altered Cell: DLC04PointLookout>Wilderness -1,-1).

Mothership Zeta: Fixed the cyro pod not animating correctly due to incorrect name (Altered Mesh: dlc05cryopodanimated.nif).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed the alien door control not animating correctly due to incorrect name (Altered Mesh: dlc05terminal01.nif).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed the cyro gas not animating correctly due to incorrect name (Altered Mesh: dlc05cryoburst.nif).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed the core coolant switch not animating correctly due to incorrect name (Altered Mesh: dlc05generatorcoolantswitch.nif).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed the core not animating correctly due to incorrect name (Altered Mesh: dlc05mzrmgenerator01core.nif).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed the teleporter matrix not animating correctly due to incorrect name (Altered Mesh: dlc05mztelepad01.nif).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed the train lights not animating correctly due to incorrect name (Altered Mesh: dlc05trainlights.nif).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed the camera eye's in the holding cells not animating around due to incorrect name (Altered Mesh: dlc05cameraeye01.nif, dlc05cameraeye02.nif).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed the robot assembly conveyor belt not moving due to incorrect animation name (Altered Mesh: dlc05assmblnanim01.nif, dlc05assmblnanim02.nif, dlc05assmblnanim03.nif, dlc05assmblnanim04.nif, dlc05assmblnanim05.nif).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed 4 cube maps that had the incorrect dimensions causing them not to work (Altered Texture: dlc05mzsmalllights_e.dds, dlc05mzsmalllightscryo_e.dds, dlc05mzsmalllightsdesat_e.dds, dlc05mzsmalllightsstasis_e.dds).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed incorrect havok type and sound effect on butter cup leg part (Altered Mesh: dlc05buttercupleglow01.nif).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed pipe base only animating once and never again which you never saw anyway since the bad animation move it down\up out of view (Altered Mesh: dlc05pipebigbase01.nif).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed the "Anchorage Quartermaster Shipment" note not playing anything (Altered Note: DLC05AnchorageHolotape).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed "General Chase's Overcoat" being the snow combat armor which had no textures if you didn't have Operation Anchorage installed, it is now as it should be, an Overcoat (Altered Armor: DLC05GeneralChasesOvercoat, DLC05Medals).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed the alien blaster "Captain's Sidearm" not using the high resolution 1st person texture on the power cell (Altered Static: DLC051stPersonAlienBlasterClean).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed the havok on the "Alien Atomizer" being misaligned also fixed the missing texture for the powercell (Altered Mesh: dlc05alienpistol.nif).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed the "Drone Cannon" not using the high resolution 1st person texture for one of the parts (Altered Static: 1stPersonDLC05RobotCannon).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed force field generator not animating correctly due to incorrect name (Altered Mesh: dlc05forcefieldgenerator.nif).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed gravity bumper not animating correctly due to incorrect name (Altered Mesh: dlc05gravitybumper.nif).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed alien's not habing transparent helmets (Altered Texture: dlc05alienhelmet.dds, Altered Mesh: dlc05alien3.nif).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed "Alien Worm Food" having not eating sound effect (Altered Ingestible: DLC05AlienWorm).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed space pod not animating correctly due to incorrect name (Altered Mesh: dlc05spaceshipmerc01.nif).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed the butter cup machine animating correctly due to incorrect name (Altered Mesh: dlc05glassbuttercupmachine01.nif).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed 2 missing death ray control holograms, bad animation caused this (Altered Mesh: dlc05holo02.nif, dlc05holo03.nif).
Mothership Zeta: Removed invalid animation from room section (Altered Mesh: dlc05mcrmwallhalf01.nif).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed UFO crash not animating correctly due to incorrect name (Altered Mesh: dlc05ufocrash.nif).
Mothership Zeta: Regenerated all bodymod data and left it uncompressed, the texture join between the head and body is less noticable now.
Mothership Zeta: Fixed the Drone Cannon having no icon when initially looted (Altered Weapon: DLC05WeapRobotCannonNonPlayer).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed the Destabilizer not having the correct hand grip and reload/jam animation (Altered Weapon: DLC05WeapRifleUnique, New Mesh: _1stperson\2hahandgrip2_railwayrifle.kf, _1stperson\2hajamh.kf, _1stperson\2hareloadh.kf, _male\2hahandgrip2_railwayrifle.kf, _male\2hajamh.kf, _male\2hareloadh.kf).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed being able to use Alien Epoxy when the weapon was already at full health (Altered Ingestible: DLC05AlienEpoxy, Altered Script: DLC05AlienEpoxyEffectSCRIPT, New Message: UF3PAlienEpoxy).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed the aline chair having the wrong havok hit effect (Altered Mesh: dlc05alienchair.nif).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed space suit wearing aliens gore caps not appearing correctly causing gaps (Altered Mesh: dlc05alien2.nif, dlc05alien3.nif).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed Drone Cannon sometimes appearing backwards on the Guardian Drones (Altered Mesh: dlc05droidcannonnonplayer.nif).
Mothership Zeta: Fixed Alien Captive Recorded Log 7 missing alien speech (simply reused some existing alien speech) (New Sound: DLC05Gener_DLC05SamuraiHol_0000A880_1.ogg, DLC05Gener_DLC05SamuraiHol_0000A880_1.lip, DLC05Gener_DLC05SamuraiHol_0000A880_5.ogg, DLC05Gener_DLC05SamuraiHol_0000A880_5.lip).

Fallout 3: Fixed the left male and female gloves on the Enclave officer's uniform clipping into the Pip-Boy if you happened to have the Pip-Boy glove disabled (Altered Mesh: \Armor\EnclaveOfficer\glovel.nif, \Armor\EnclaveOfficer\gloveml.nif).
Fallout 3: Fixed the targets you have to shoot with the BB Gun in the quest "Growing Up Fast", the quest said "Shoot all three targets with the BB Gun." yet you could shoot 1 target 3 times, fixed only 1 target having a quest marker on it (other 2 didn't have the condition setup correctly) also the quest marker on the target will now vanish once you shoot it (Altered Script: CG02TargetSCRIPT, Altered Quest: CG02).
Fallout 3: Fixed Yao Guai's left get up animation missing a target causing it never to work (Altered Idle Animation: YGGetUpLeft).
Fallout 3: Fixed Cheng Personal Computer not displaying a Daily Affirmation for Saturday, the Saturday Daily Affirmation condition was set to "GetIsID" instead of "GetDayOfWeek" (Altered Terminal: IrvingChengTerminal, MS12TenpennyIrvingChengTerminal).
Fallout 3: Fixed SArchiveList in GECKCustom.ini trying to load "Fallout - Voices 2.bsa" (which does not exist) instead of "Fallout - MenuVoices.bsa", you'll now be able to listen to alot more dialogue in the G.E.C.K now.
Fallout 3: Fixed broken conditions in a dialogue line from Gob (I guess they don't have a lot of Ghouls in the Vault.) which prevented it from ever being heard (Altered Dialogue: MegGobGreeting1>"I guess they don't have..." 1DD19).
Fallout 3: Fixed broken condition in a dialogue line from Manya (I'm sorry, I just haven't been paying any attention at all since Nathan died.) which prevented it from ever being heard (Altered Dialogue: MegTownRumors>"I'm sorry, I just haven't been..." 1E87F).
Fallout 3: Fixed broken dialogue condition which cause the line not to be said all the times it was ment to be (Altered Dialogue: NormalToCombat>"How many of those things are in here?" 18637).
  • "Potato Crisps" and "Junk Food" are identical in every way (icon\mesh ect) except the name, renamed "Junk Food" to "Potato Crisps" (Altered Ingestible: JunkFood).
    Fallout 3: Fixed the dirty old version of the Pre-War Kid's Outfit using the good\clean texture when equiped on a female instead of the dirty\old texture (Altered Armor: KIDOutfitPrewarChildOld).
    Fallout 3: Fixed objective display issues in the Tenpenny Tower quest, only 1 of the 2 generators where displayed as an objective and the terminal wasn't being displayed as an objective even though it was setup to (don't think terminals can be marked as objectives?) also the objective marks will now disappear too (Altered Quest MS12, Altered Cell: WarringtonStation03).
    Fallout 3: Fixed the electrical boxes invloved in the Tenpenny Tower quest not behaving as as all other electrical boxes, not exploding and not making any sound (Altered Movable Static: MS12ElectricBoxExplode).
    Fallout 3: Fixed Missile Launcher using a glow map on the incorrect part in 1st person (Altered Texture Set: 1stPersonMissileLauncherTexture02).
    Fallout 3: Fixed Theo's Ammo Box not animating opening\closing (Altered Mesh: ms18theosammobox.nif, Altered Container: MS18TheosAmmoBox).
    Fallout 3: Fixed the L. O. B. Enterprises Secure-Case having a rather inappropriate open\close sound effect (Altered Container: LOBEZhuRongBriefcase).
    Fallout 3: Fixed trapped terminals displaying the message box "This computer trap is disarmed and won't explode unless it it rearmed." when you happen to shoot it, also as a sideffect the little spinning antenna won't spin anymore when the trap is disarmed (Altered Script: TrapComputerSCRIPT, TrapComputerFaceSCRIPT).
    Fallout 3: Fixed Bottle Cap Mines having no deactivation sound (Altered Projectile: MineBottleCapProjectile).
    Fallout 3: Fixed the filing cabinet opening sound not fully being heard before the menu opened (Altered Mesh: cabinet01.nif).
    Fallout 3: Fixed weird interaction between the Wasteland Doctor Fatigues and the WastelanderDoctorApparel level list on Cutter which when she was killed 2 Wasteland Doctor Fatigues would appear in her inventory and if you looted 1 the other would vanish too but Cutter would still appear wearing it (Altered NPC: Cutter).
    Fallout 3: Fixed Mary wearing advlt clothing and also corrected her class, was " Vault Dweller" instead of "Villager" (Altered NPC: Mary).
    Fallout 3: Fixed Dogmeat's script setting the PlayerHasFollower variable to 0 upon his death (Dogmeat doesn't check PlayerHasFollower nor is he controlled by it at all) which allowed you to aquire a second follower if you already had another follower with you and Dogmeat (Altered Script: DogmeatSCRIPT).
    Fallout 3: Fixed typo in Dogmeat's death message, all other follower's death messages end with an exclamation mark but not poor old Dogmeat (Altered Message: FollowerMessageDeadDogmeat).
    Fallout 3: Fixed all messages referring to "Sergeant RL-3" as "RL3" (Altered Message: FollowerMessageLeaveRL3, FollowerMessageDeadRL3).
    Fallout 3: Fixed a bug in Sergeant RL-3's dialogue allowing you to hire all the followers (Altered Dialogue: BD047).
    Fallout 3: Fixed left and right gloves using the incorrect normal map, was using the armor normal map instead of the glove normal map (Altered Mesh: WastelandClothing02\glovemr.nif, WastelandClothing02\gloveml.nif).
    Fallout 3: Fixed The AntAgonizer's and The Mechanist's minions respawning (New Script: UF3PRespawnFix, Altered Creature: MS02BattleAnt, MS02BattleRobot).
    Fallout 3: Fixed being able to steal from Protector Casdin then sell it back to him (Altered NPC: ProtectorCasdin, New Script: UF3PNoPickpocket).
    Fallout 3: Fixed Protector Casdin equipping Power Armor\other armor ect after selling them to him (Altered Script: UF3PNoPickpocket).
  • Changed the name of "Power Helmet" to "Brotherhood Power Helmet" as both "Power Helmet" and "Brotherhood Power Helmet" are identical (Altered Armor: ArmorPowerHelmet).
    Fallout 3: Fixed Lucky 8 Ball not behaving correctly (if you put it into a container the luck bonus would not be removed and then when you took it out the luck bonus would be removed, also the luck bonus wouldn't be removed if the Lucky 8 Ball was removed from you via RemoveAllItems) (Altered Script: MS01Lucky8BallScript, Altered Spell: MS01Lucky8BallAbility, New Base Effect: UF3PLuckyEightBallMagicEffect, New Script: UF3PLuckyEightBallMagicEffectScript).
    Fallout 3: Fixed the "Crumpled Note" in the "The Brass Latern" that was embedded in the wall preventing you from picking it up and gaining the password to to unlock the terminal (Altered Cell: MegatonTheBrassLantern).
    Fallout 3: Fixed the Nuka-Cola Clear Formula having the inventory icon of "junk" instead of the "holotap" icon (Altered Misc Item: MS05NukaColaDisk).
    Fallout 3: Fixed Empty Nuka-Cola Bottle having the inventory icon of "junk" instead of the "cola" icon (Altered Misc Item: NukaColaBottle).
    Fallout 3: Fixed Turpentine having the inventory icon of "junk" instead of the "turpentine" icon (Altered Misc Item: Turpentine).
    Fallout 3: Fixed Bloatfly Meat using the Ant Meat model and icon (Altered Ingestible: BloatflyMeat)
    Fallout 3: Fixed Empty Syringe having the inventory icon of "junk" instead of the "morphine" icon (Altered Misc Item: SurgicalSyringe01).
  • Changed the name of "Large Whiskey Bottle" to "Empty Scotch Bottle" after all it is using the exact same model as Scotch, also fix its icon as it was using the "junk" icon instead of the "scotch" icon (Altered Misc Item: WhiskeyBottle02).
    Fallout 3: Fixed 8 Ball not using the inventory icon of "junk" instead of the "8 ball" icon (Altered Misc Item: 8 Ball).
    Fallout 3: Fixed Empty Whisky Bottle not using the inventory icon of "junk" instead of the "whisky" icon (Altered Misc Item: WhiskeyBottle01Empty01).
    Fallout 3: Fixed Scotch appearing as an empty bottle (Altered Ingestible: Scotch, New Mesh: whiskeybottle02full.nif).
    Fallout 3: Fixed mounted brahmin heads missing the shadow effect around them due to it not being setup correctly (Altered Mesh: mountedbrahminhead01.nif).
    Fallout 3: Fixed the hatch on the roof of Luccas Simms's house not having opening\closing sounds (Altered Door: DoorCollision01).
    Fallout 3: Fixed 25 dead NPC's that are set to respawn (Altered NPC: LootToxicDump01NPC, DeathclawLoot1VendorMale, AWMTed, LDJuryStDead01, LDFallsChurchDead1, LDCorvegaFactoryDead1, AWMLoot1ArmorMale, FFMutantCampCorpse01, LootGibsonUnique, RavenRockEnclaveDEAD, FFEnclaveEncampment03EnclaveCorpse, FFEC20DeadEnclaveRipperHF, FFEC20DeadEnclaveBigGunHM, UniqueEnclave4OfficerJackTheRipper, Loot1Enclave4OfficerAF, FFEnclaveEncampment03OfficerCorpse, FFEC20DeadEnclaveOfficerAM, ShalebridgeFFNoteGuy, DEADGhoulWastelanderCF, DEADGhoulWastelanderHM, DEADWastelanderCF, DEADWastelanderHM, DEADWastelanderAAM, DEADWastelanderAM, DEADWastelanderCM, DEADWastelanderHF).
    Fallout 3: Fixed 9 dead creatures that are set to respawn (Altered Creature: DeadDogVicious, LDFortCDeadGhoul01, DeadMirelurk02, DeadMirelurk01, LDDeadMolerat, DEADCrYaoGuai, DeadEyebotEnclave, DeadProtectron, FFRaiderCamp17SuperMutantDead).
    Fallout 3: Fixed overlapping mesh causing flickering (Altered Mesh: neormpitwallstairsl01.nif).
    Fallout 3: Fixed an ambient effect that had testing which caused it to vanish when using AA\Transpareny Multisampling (Altered Mesh: fxmistlow01long.nif, ltrayglowgreenbrt01.nif,ltrayglowgreengrdflat.nif, ltrayglowgreengrdflatbrt01.nif).
    Fallout 3: Fixed Lug-Nut having quite noticable difference between his head skin color and his body skin color (Altered NPC: LugNut).
    Fallout 3: Fixed GameDaysPassed calculating incorrectly, the more time you played the game the the bigger the gap would be when the day changed in the sleep\wait screen (day would change at say 7am after playing for 20 hours) (New Quest: UF3PGameDaysPassedFix, New Script: UF3PGameDaysPassedFixScript).
    Fallout 3: Fixed bad navmesh at the entrance of the Dunwich Building causing follows to appear behind the building when you exit it (Altered Cell: Wasteland>DunwichBuildingExterior -26, -18).
    Fallout 3: Fixed mine completely concealed in the ground (Altered Cell: Wasteland>Wilderness 8,-7).
    Fallout 3: Fixed incorrect gender check which made females unable to intimidate Andy Stahl with their strength (Altered Dialogue: MegAndyGreetingIntimidate>"Well now, looks like..." 1D2D0).
    Fallout 3: Fixed mis-aligned projectile emitter on the Laser Rifle (Altered Mesh: laserrifle.nif).
    Fallout 3: Fixed opening the Behemoth's gate via the switch at Evergreen Mills causing him not to come out and attack (Altered Script: EvergreenMillsElectricalSwitch01SCRIPT).
    Fallout 3: Fixed Mirelurk Spawning Pod using the gorebag opening sound as the closing sound (Altered Container: MS03MirelurkEggClutchCont03a).
    Fallout 3: Fixed Mirelurk Egg Clutch using the gorebag opening sound as the closing sound (Altered Container: MirelurkEggClutchContEmpty03a).
    Fallout 3: Fixed Mirelurk Egg Clutch using the gorebag opening sound as the closing sound (Altered Container: MirelurkEggClutchCont03a).
    Fallout 3: Fixed a gore leg missing parts due to it being out of bounds (Altered Cell: Vault108a).
    Fallout 3: Fixed emissive color on the Sentry Bot's combat inhibitor (Altered Mesh: sentrybotgatlingcannon.nif, sentrybotgatlingcannon_army.nif, sentrybotlasergatling.nif, sentrybotlasergatling_army.nif).
  • Added stencilling to the rubble piles which should globally alleviate their seemingly "floatyness" (Altered Mesh: offrublpilea01.nif, offrublpilea02.nif, offrublpilea03.nif, offrublpilea04.nif, offrublpilea05.nif).
    Fallout 3: Fixed 1 hole caused by badly placed boulder (Altered Cell: Wasteland>Canterbury08 17,10).
    Fallout 3: Fixed 1 floating rock cluster (Altered Cell: Wasteland>CanterburyMarketN 16,11).
    Fallout 3: Fixed 1 floating book, 1 floating shelf (had to move 2 additional books that now clipped into it) (Altered Cell: Vault108c).
    Fallout 3: Fixed 1 floating rock cluster (Altered Cell: Wasteland>Wilderness -17,-2).
    Fallout 3: Fixed 1 floating blood splatter (Altered Cell: ShacktownInterior07).
    Fallout 3: Fixed 1 floating rock cluster (Altered Cell: Wasteland>Wilderness -27,7).
    Fallout 3: Fixed badly placed boulder causing gap (Altered Cell: Wasteland>Wilderness -25,3).
    Fallout 3: Fixed 1 flickering light (Altered Cell: RavenRock02).
    Fallout 3: Fixed 1 floating rubble pile (Altered Cell: SpringvaleSchool02).
    Fallout 3: Fixed plugged a big gap (Altered Cell: DCworld06>MVSSuperMutantOverpass 18,-6).
    Fallout 3: Fixed badly placed wall section causing gap (Altered Cell: DCworld06>MVSSuperMutantOverpass 18,-6).
    Fallout 3: Fixed Eat'o'tronic 3000's being activatable if they where already open by default also fixed it so if the Eat'o'tronic 3000 happened to reset (closed) somehow you can open it again (Altered Script: AutomatScript01).
    Fallout 3: Fixed 3 floating tin cans (Altered Cell: OurLadyHope02).
    Fallout 3: Fixed 1 floating brick (Altered Cell: DCworld06>MVSHotelEntrance 18,-7).
    Fallout 3: Fixed 2 very floating coffee tables (Altered Cell: StatesmanHotel01).
    Fallout 3: Fixed 1 floating cinder block (Altered Cell: TakomaStation).
    Fallout 3: Fixed 1 floating fan (Altered Cell: MetroCenter08).
    Fallout 3: Fixed land clipping into mesh causing flickering (Altered Cell: DCworld18>Wilderness 8,-11).
    Fallout 3: Fixed 1 floating fire barrel, 1 floating trolly, 1 litter hanging off the edge, 1 floating coffee kettle, 1 floating first aid kit, 2 floating tin cans (Altered Cell: DCworld17>Wilderness 5,-12).
    Fallout 3: Fixed 1 floating rubble pile (Altered Cell: FFRadioCache06).
    Fallout 3: Removed a mushroom that was inside a building (nothing it could "grow" on) and was floating too (Altered Cell: Wasteland>Wilderness -17,13).
    Fallout 3: Fixed 3 floating rock clusters (Altered Cell: Wasteland>Wilderness -17,15).
    Fallout 3: Fixed 1 badly placed cliff face causing a gap (Altered Cell: Wasteland>Wilderness -23,18).
    Fallout 3: Fixed floating pillars in the Museum of History Entrance (Altered Mesh: museumrotunda01.nif).
    Fallout 3: Fixed Gatling Laser using the first person texture for the Electron Charge Pack (New Texture Set: UF3P1stPersonECCell, Altered Static: 1stPersonGatlingLaser).
    Fallout 3: Fixed issues with heads (HeadHuman: some corrections to the LookUp morph. HeadHumanChildFemale, HeadFemale, HeadOldFemale: Corrected issue where entire head would bloat in SquintLeft or SquintRight.) (Altered Mesh: HeadChild.nif, HeadChildFemale.nif, HeadFemale.nif, HeadHuman.nif, HeadOld.nif, HeadOldFemale.nif, Altered EGM & TRI: headchild.egm, HeadChild.tri, HeadChildFemale.egm, HeadChildFemale.tri, HeadFemale.egm, HeadFemale.tri, HeadHuman.egm, HeadHuman.tri, HeadOld.egm, HeadOld.tri, HeadOldFemale.egm, HeadOldFemale.tri).
    Fallout 3: Fixed Elder Lyon's Robe not being dismemberable, created female version of the robe, fixed clipping issues with Pip-Boy, created ground version of the robe and created a new inventory icon for it (Altered Mesh: \Armor\ElderLyons\outfitm.nif, New Mesh: \Armor\ElderLyons\outfitf.nif, \Armor\ElderLyons\go.nif, New Texture: apperal_Elder_Lyons_Robe.dds, Altered Armor: OutfitElderLyons, Altered Armor Addon: ElderLyonsGloveL, ElderLyonsGloveR).
    Fallout 3: Fixed Eulogy Jones' Hat using the "glow" icon instead of the proper icon like everything else uses (Altered Armor: OutfitEulogyJonesHat).
    Fallout 3: Fixed Chryslus Building Reception Area, Chryslus Building Lower Offices and Chryslus Building Basemant not using the dungeon music (Altered Cell: ChryslusBuilding01, ChryslusBuilding02, ChryslusBuilding03).
    Fallout 3: Fixed the enternally burning fires on the motorcycle when it was destroyed (Altered Mesh: motorcycle01hulk.nif).
    Fallout 3: Fixed the enternally burning fires on the eletrical box when it was destroyed (Altered Mesh: electricbox1hulk.nif).
    Fallout 3: Fixed the enternally burning fires on the fusion generator when it was destroyed (Altered Mesh: fusiongeneratorhulk01.nif).
    Fallout 3: Fixed 3 turrents in Vault-Tec Administration that where placed into the roof too high causing them get stuck\have trouble aiming (Altered Cell: VaultTecHQ03).
    Fallout 3: Fixed Mirelurk's being incorrectly affected by the PushActorAway command (they wern't being knocked down, this fix may also fix other weird Mirelurk bugs I'm heard about but never been able to reproduce), the problem was caused by a simple rogue NiNode which the removal of fixed the problem (Altered Mesh: \Mirelurk\skeleton.nif, \Mirelurk\skeleton2.nif).
    Fallout 3: Fixed Paladin Hoss, Brotherhood of Steel Paladin and Initiate Pek following the play around after completeing the quest at Falls Church (Altered AI Package: FF02FallChurchPaladinHossFollowPlayer, FF02BrotherhoodKnightFollowPlayer).
    Fallout 3: Improved shadow fix (Altered Static: UF3PWoodShack03NoShadow, Deleted Mesh: WoodShack03NoShadow.nif).

    The full version history can be downloaded seperatly as it is too big to post.
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    Jaki Birch
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    Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:18 am

    Thanks for the hard work ^_^
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    Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:24 am

    Thanks. Almost time for a new game. I am tired of waiting for Bethesda to fix the broken VATS perks.
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    noa zarfati
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    Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:10 am

    I use Fake Patch,i need to disable the Console Var?
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    David John Hunter
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    Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:15 am

    Thanks for the update, the Unofficial Patch is a must-have. Great that you're also supporting the DLCs, should I ever get them (if Beth graces us with a patch to fix V.A.T.S. and if they're released in some other way then GfWL, as I won't garble my English Fallout game with German DLCs because you can only aquire the localized version via GfWL) I'll be sure to use them too. :)

    One question about the V.A.T.S. perk fix in the UOP: I'm using FOSE and the 1.0.15 version of the game, so I'll have to disable it via console, right?
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    Kirsty Collins
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    Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:57 pm

    One question about the V.A.T.S. perk fix in the UOP: I'm using FOSE and the 1.0.15 version of the game, so I'll have to disable it via console, right?

    I'm using FOSE and the Fake Patch with the 1.0.15 version of the game. Do I have to disable the VATS perk fix, too?
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    Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:55 pm

    i disabled and enabled unofficial patch but i'm still getting this.. its in robco industries, of the wasteland survival guide quest, a lot of the already dead robots have their arms up in the air.
    if i press "z" to grab it, it drops everything
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    Adam Baumgartner
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    Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:29 pm

    i disabled and enabled unofficial patch but i'm still getting this.. its in robco industries, of the wasteland survival guide quest, a lot of the already dead robots have their arms up in the air.
    if i press "z" to grab it, it drops everything

    I've gotten that too. The way I used to fix it was shoot the robot once. The arms and combat inhibitor should snap into place with the robot on the floor.

    I have a suggestion is I may. Would it be possible to have perminent fires emit light? The fire from a blown generator never dies and I just seems weird that there is no light coming from it.
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    Jimmie Allen
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    Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:56 am

    I reiterate the need for the AII and UF3P BSA archives need to be shortened in name due to the 256-char limit in the BSA load list that the v1.0 people are subjected to. Those in the know can do it themselves, but having the installer do this by default will ensure that far less people will run into issues because the char limit on the line was exceeded.
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    Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:15 pm

    I use Fake Patch,i need to disable the Console Var?
    I'm using FOSE and the Fake Patch with the 1.0.15 version of the game. Do I have to disable the VATS perk fix, too?
    Yes, as they're already fully functional and there's no need for that particular fix if using a setup. Just enter your console in game then enter "StopQuest UF3PVatsPerkFix". Also, be sure to add the UF3P.bsa (after condensing its filename) to your sArchiveList or extract its contents to Data to keep your sArchiveList= entry under 255 characters. http://www.javascriptkit.com/script/script2/charcount.shtml
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    Jack Walker
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    Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:25 am

    should i use both the Unofficial and the Fake patches?
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    Steven Nicholson
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    Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:06 am

    should i use both the Unofficial and the Fake patches?
    That's up to you. If you have two or more graphics cards, I'd say probably not to as 1.1 and 1.4 had SLI fixes, but otherwise, go for it. By using the Fake Patch approach, you'll sidestep the VATS lag, keep the VATS perks functional, be able to take grenades/missiles out of the air, NPC's won't wear guns as wristwatches, and Fake Patch is fully compatible with UF3P. Just keep in mind that setting up your .bsa'a in your sArchiveList is a crucial step as a Fallout3.exe won't autoload corresponding archives.

    All the dirt on http://www.javascriptkit.com/script/script2/charcount.shtml
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    Sunny Under
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    Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:55 am

    Does anyone else get a crash when attempting to save in proximity to Lamplight Caverns? I am, and when I turn InvalidateOlderFiles to 0, I can save, which leads me to believe that a mesh or something involved with UFOP around Lamplight is causing it...

    EDIT: Nevermind. Dunno what its deal was, but the problem was solved by uninstalling and reinstalling UF3P.
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    Daramis McGee
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    Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:12 am

    That's up to you. If you have two or more graphics cards, I'd say probably not to as 1.1 and 1.4 had SLI fixes, but otherwise, go for it. By using the Fake Patch approach, you'll sidestep the VATS lag, keep the VATS perks functional, be able to take grenades/missiles out of the air, NPC's won't wear guns as wristwatches, and Fake Patch is fully compatible with UF3P. Just keep in mind that setting up your .bsa'a in your sArchiveList is a crucial step as a Fallout3.exe won't autoload corresponding archives.

    All the dirt on http://www.javascriptkit.com/script/script2/charcount.shtml

    well i have both Fake and UF3P running but companions still come thru loading screens wearing their weapon drawn, tho not nearly as often.

    and how do i "setting up your .bsa'a in your sArchiveList is a crucial step"?? i don't think i've ever seen a bsa file. thanks
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    Lisa Robb
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    Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:14 am

    I love UF3P but what happened to the manual version? I like using Fallout Mod Manager to install and uninstall mods.
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    Chris Cross Cabaret Man
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    Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:42 am

    Quarn said he will release a manual version when the 1.1.x branch wont need more bug fixes.
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    Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:13 am

    well i have both Fake and UF3P running but companions still come thru loading screens wearing their weapon drawn, tho not nearly as often.

    and how do i "setting up your .bsa'a in your sArchiveList is a crucial step"?? i don't think i've ever seen a bsa file. thanks
    That's covered in Fake Patches OP. Let's keep pvssyr about Fake Patch where it belong please, as I don't want to hijack Quarn's thread, you know?
    I love UF3P but what happened to the manual version? I like using Fallout Mod Manager to install and uninstall mods.
    You can install UF3P to a different folder on your desktop or whatever, unpack its .bsa, then install it manually or make it an FOMOD. I also prefer the manual installation method, but the installer version is foolproof, so it's not without its advantages.
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    emily grieve
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    Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:47 am

    That's covered in Fake Patches OP. Let's keep pvssyr about Fake Patch where it belong please, as I don't want to hijack Quarn's thread, you know?
    You can install UF3P to a different folder on your desktop or whatever, unpack its .bsa, then install it manually or make it an FOMOD. I also prefer the manual installation method, but the installer version is foolproof, so it's not without its advantages.

    Do you need to unpack the .bsa? Why?

    Anyway, this is a must have for any FO3 gamer, won't ever forget what you did for Oblivion Quarn. And not FO3 either.
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    sarah simon-rogaume
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    Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:22 am

    I just wanted to take a moment and thank Quarn for this unofficial patch. Modders like you are a big part of what keeps Beth games fresh even after months or even years of play. Your work in Oblivion still keeps me going back for more and I imagine FO3 will be the same.

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    Greg Swan
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    Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:57 am

    Does anyone know if the bug that causes crashes when characters talk to you (must be a sound/audio related problem) has been fixed in the unofficial patch? These crashes started happening after I left the bunker (everything worked fine in the bunker), once I got to Megaton and started talking to the guys worshipping that bomb, the crashes started and now happen all the time when any character talks to me in the bar or anywhere in town (within a minute or so the game will freeze once a character starts speaking to me). Perhaps there's some codec I need to install so the Fallout 3 audio will work properly without crashing?

    I still have the official 1.1 patch version installed that was released by Bethesda a few months ago, which did not fix the problem. Is it ok to update Fallout 3 to the latest official 1.4 patch from Bethesda before installing the v1.1.2 unofficial patch? I got the game for Christmas and still can't play it because of these crashes anytime characters speak to me, I'm still stuck in Megaton. :(

    Thanks for making a patch to fix bugs Bethesda has not yet fixed! :)
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    Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:30 am

    Since my Fallout 3 has just updated to version 1.5 is it still ok to use this patch...?
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    Esther Fernandez
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    Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:21 pm

    Since my Fallout 3 has just updated to version 1.5 is it still ok to use this patch...?

    It should be, but until later today (according to GStaff) we don't have the patch notes, so we really have no clue what it fixes, besides the vats bug.
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    maya papps
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    Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:48 pm

    It should be, but until later today (according to GStaff) we don't have the patch notes, so we really have no clue what it fixes, besides the vats bug.

    The only VATS bug that it is confirmed to fix is the VATS perks. There are mixed reports on how well it fixes the calculation pause, and no anolysis has been done on if it fixes the weird hit percentages.
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    Dagan Wilkin
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    Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:10 am

    The only VATS bug that it is confirmed to fix is the VATS perks. There are mixed reports on how well it fixes the calculation pause, and no anolysis has been done on if it fixes the weird hit percentages.

    I've heard that the pause is shorter (but not 100% gone... not too big an issue) and that the weird hit percentages have been fixed. (Just what I've heard... honestly, I have no idea what that bug is...)
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    Charity Hughes
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    Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:26 pm

    It should be, but until later today (according to GStaff) we don't have the patch notes, so we really have no clue what it fixes, besides the vats bug.

    ...ah thanks for that.
    As I have just reinstalled my game I will just hang on a little while until I apply the unofficial patch just in case there could be any issues with what has been changed in the 1.5 update.
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    Taylor Bakos
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