- Do NOT mention how bad or successful fishing is in other games because we're on about Skyrim here.
- Please take part in the toll and vote.
- If you dislike the idea, please state why.
- Do NOT complain about the number of fishing posts already out there.
Fishing is something that I'm interested in and I'm sure me and thousands of other people would love for it to be in Skyrim.
They is still 145 days left until the games release, which is about 5 months, that's a long time and I'm sure they can take some time to perfect and implement fishing into Skyrim.
Just look at these pictures:
So there is defiantly enough water around and to be honest they look like really good fishing places.
Reasons why I think Bethesda haven't done it yet:
- Time consuming
- How would you actually fish
- They'd have to create many more breeds of fish
Reasons Why I think they should do it:
- Adds realism to the game
- You've got wood cutting, blacksmithing and cooking, why not fishing?
- The fish could heal you or you can sell them
- They could be part of alchemy, fish oil, scales of a trout or whatever
- It will!! add many more hours to the game
Ideas for fishing:
- Use woodcutting to create canoe's, more wood and better quality, more room for fish, canoe would be built on site from the wood and then disappear after several days, someone has stole it?
- Rarer fish are worth more and heal more.
- Fishing rod made from blacksmithing, wire collected from either horses tail hair or plants.
- A few quest from people asking for a certain type of fish.
- A fish could contain rings or small jewels after eating peoples fingers or mistaking them for there food.
- Fishing competition with someone, let's say first to get 15 trout by something o'clock.
- Canoe's would travel like horses, with paddles either side faster speed means drained stamina.
- You cast with right anolog stick pushing it back and then forth as fast as you can and reel it back by spinning left anolog stick whilst holding left trigger (I'll tell you why in a second) anti-clockwise or clockwise.
- You can only equip rod next to or on water, and when you do you into the sort of thing as you do in a conversation concentrating on the rod , your movement slows by 80% and the camera always faces forward in 3rd person, hold left trigger to reel the rod, and let go of left trigger to move you character left or right or backwards.
- When the fish is close enough, you reach out and take it with your hand which is not holding the rod and inspect it, a message comes up in a corner or something saying what fish it is and the weight.
- When interrupted whilst fishing, you can press a button like B on xbox, O on PS3 or Esc on pc and you come out of fishing, your rod goes in your inventory and it goes back to normal, simple.
- They can be quests where peoples wire has snapped and they need you to make them another, or they need a pole ect.
- When canoeing and fishing, your sat in your canoe or stood, and you stop rowing and your canoe just floats about until you start rowing again.
- If your not fishing and you are swimming in the water, the fish should swim just out of reach of your reach so you can't attack them, and obviously you can't fire a bow under water.
- I think you should also be able to fire your bow into the water if you don't want to use a rod, the arrow can go about 10 feet into the water depending on how hard you fire it and then float.
- You should see AI fishing and you should be able to row over to them and ask them how there doing or if they've heard of any rumours ect.
- They should be people fishing on a bank and you should be able to buy fish from them, there routing would consist of fishing for a few hours, moving further down, fishing again, and then walking back to there home nearby and sleep, maybe the next day they could go to town and sell it, then come back go to sleep and then fish the next day ect.
- At night people should go fishing and they have a lantern or a light source dangling from there boat and you should be able to see them from a far.
These are all my thoughts to do with fishing. Thank you for reading

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