I agree. And while it may not be a wholly sixual fetish, that is what most of us are going to think when we see a topic about furries. That's what I thought when I saw the topic and I am sure Holy thought that as well.
In my opinion, this thread should be closed for sixual content.
I disagree. None of the furries here have been talking about sixual content - no pictures, no stories, no nothing. It's everyone else who seems to be trying to bring sixual content into this thread for the sole purpose of getting it locked. The mods will handle it as they see fit - Rohugh's presence in the thread is testament to that.
It's not blatant, but it's riddled with sixual undertones.
Everything has sixual undertones. It's been that way forever. You can discuss almost any topic and you will either find people who sixualize it, or you will find the sixual undertones already inherent in the medium. Tomb Raider, anyone?

No, sounds like something that slightly twisted and deluded nerds would do in their free time... get a useful or enlightening hobby please?
Also, it makes me laugh how people treat it as a deep rooted tradition or even culture, for God's sake it's silly fad.
I might start a movement called 'Plasticy' whose members are obsessed with household appliances with human features, and dress up as toasters and such. Plasticy hentai too... *shudder*
How is furry a "silly fad"? Furries include artists, musicians, costume designers, writers, poets and comedians - there are examples of anthropomorphic art dating back thousands of years (Anubis, Ra, etc). The combination of human and animal forms is an old art.
Its not the fact that you guys aren't talking about that 'side" of furry, I know you're being civil. It's the point that "furry" is most often recognized as something else other than what it is being described here. It may give people the wrong idea to start posting about, other things.
Everyone knows the rules on this forum regarding mature content. I don't believe anyone will violate those rules in this thread.
There is a reason such things as religion and politics are banned from the forum. These forums are far from mature, the censorship itself can attest to that.
Yes, but we furries have been discussing this topic in an incredibly mature and civil manner. We are doing our utmost to distinguish ourselves by our words and actions here in this thread to make it abundantly clear that we have no intention of breaking the forum rules and to demonstrate to the mods (and other forum users) that there is no need to have this thread locked. And maybe even change a few minds in the process.
Well, that's a very bad comparison. The hippy movement involved music, fashion, art, political and social ideals and views, gave birth to sub movements, and has had a major influence on modern culture... furry is really just a silly fad compared to that
As I mentioned above, the furry fandom involves art, music, costume design, writing, comedy and much more. It has also had an impact on modern culture (see any number of Saturday morning cartoons, movies, etc).