Oh goodness.
Well, for one, I'm a furry (gee, with that avatar? No way!). I have been active in the furry community here in Michigan for around six to eight years: I've gone to furry conventions (think anime convention but with more tails) and furmeets (much smaller meetings that tend to be near ad-hoc). Either I'm a psychologist because I'm furry, or I'm a furry because I'm a psychologist - not sure on that one yet.

There are many stereotypes perpetuated by the media regarding furries - and those stereotypes tend to portray furries in a rather unfair light. It's akin to stereotyping gamers as guys who live in their mother's basemant and only get a tan from the glow of their computer monitor (though gamers have, relatively recently, shrugged off many of these stereotypes to various extents). Stereotypes are just that - vague generalizations that tend not to pan out very well once thought out.
Have I met furries that were a little "out there" in terms of their beliefs or practices? Sure - those types exist in any cohesive group if you look hard enough - but the vast majority of furries I know simply either enjoy the artwork itself or enjoy going to conventions and having a good time with other people who have mutual appreciation for anthropomorphic artwork or stories.
As an addendum to this post, I just got done watching http://vimeo.com/17995012 on VImeo.
Wow. That's awesome. What's more awesome is that it was all done above-board. I'll have to watch this (and wonder why I wasn't in the video!)