Edit edit: Hrm, I wonder what the girls here (BGSF) are thinking (of us)...
They're not. They're too busy thinking about mister http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s41/Attrebus/hitman.jpg

I'd contribute pictures, but I don't have a [censored] bank of any sort, and tracking down good pictures of attractive women is too hard (carefully posed, lit, and manipulated photos don't hold much real appeal for for me :shrug:). Also, my favourite hind of beauty seems hard to find

(not sure how to describe it, 'handsome' is the only word which comes to mind, which is about as helpful here as icecream is to a dehydrated man in a desert).
EDIT: Heh, didn't realise that particular word (starting with "w") was censored.