http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-CyGS4ry2vCM/TWgHEfgBchI/AAAAAAAAAA4/dI2zyGeTxJg/s1600/gerard-way.jpg has always had a place in my heart, particularly with his red hair.
http://farm1.static.flickr.com/57/161551696_5945fc2970.jpg, even though he's twice my age hehe.
http://www.getmein.com/DynamicImages/Performers/GMI/dylan-moran.jpg His eyes, his hair, his sense of humor, his Irish accent

And, uh... http://readingharry.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/rupert-grint.jpg
There are definitely a few others, I just can't remember them right now hah.