ow embarrassing this may sound, I have no clue where moon sugar come from. :<
From some kane plant found in Southern Elsweyr. It's like the "opium" or 'cocaine' for Khajiit, though it doesn't seem to have any bad effects in Skyrim, just a stamina boost. It used to boost the "Speed" attribute in Morrowind (and Oblivion, I think). Or maybe I'm thinking of Skooma(which is like the concentrated end product) I'm not sure if they ever really put any negative effects to using it, but I always thought something similar to the Fallout 3 addiction effects really should have been implemented. Of course, the Skyrim Skooma effects you can get from any Stamina potion or most alchohol (with a Stamina recharge penalty) so it really wouldn't even be worth using it in Skyrim if they put any negative effects on it. At least in Fallout 3 you got temporary buffs from Stims and even alcohol but then if you used them too much you could develop an addiction that gave you penalties all the time
unless you were using the drug. You had to see a doctor to get 'cured'. I thought it was an interesting substance abuse dynamic for a game to have.
Over all I find Khajits to be the nicest of the races when interacting. My old Nord had a Khajiit fetish but he's gone now, went into a dungeon drunk and set off an arrow trap then stumbled with a leg full of arrows into a gas trap room, before he could escape it the floor shot to the ceiling and crushed him.
Sorry to hear it. Shame for a fellow Nord meeting his end with no enemies to take down with him! At least he died happy (drunk). Playing Dead-is-Dead?
Well, that Khajiit trader says "goods and women available for a price" or something like that and my Nord finds himself strangely attracted to Khajiit females at times, but I don't think he'd know quite what to do with one if she was willing - lots of sharp claws and teeth to consider...

Of course, being a werewolf, maybe that explains his attraction except that dogs and cats usually don't get along very well...