Well the normal kind of werewolves such as on BloodMoon (Morrowind) and Daggerfall I would have to assume you wouldn't know that you are a werewolf until it is too late (I believe one of Bloodmoon werewolf quests have you do it in your human form and even then it is at the end when you get the ring anyway though it been a while since I did that questline and could be wrong about that). On Daggerfall you can't just kill a human, it gotta be an innocent one.
As for the new controllable Skyrim werewolves (sorry if I spoil anything but honestly, you gotta be pretty dense to not hear about them by now) I feel no one honestly care. DB don't seem to mind to have one hang out with them. In Skyrim being a werewolf is like being a goth kid in real life. It is more about misunderstanding then fear.
Wow, you are kind of all over the place on here. I didn't mean to turn the discussion to werewolves in depth, but just in relation to Khajiit. I'll try to respond without getting too off topic:
1) In Daggerfall that thing involving "killing an innocent" was part of the quest for
curing lycanthropy. As a werewolf, you could kill whoever you wanted to, innocent or no. I used to slaughter the entire town guard regiment sometimes, or at least dozens of them until I got bored with it.
2) Honestly, are you trolling about the Skyrim Werewolves? I'm not sure what you meant by the goth kid comment, but town guards still attack you on sight in werewolf form, and I'm sure other people either immediately run away or aggro depending on their fear level, etc. The difference is whether people
know you are a werewolf. If they haven't seen you transform or otherwise suspect, then they would have no reason to care. I'd hate to think the DB would be stupid enough to have a
known werewolf hanging out with them, seeing as they tend to be a little chaotic. Even a clan of murderers need rules to keep control. The only reason "that other faction" allows werewolves is because it's a mostly forgotten part of their tradition, they are basically "merc/hunters", and it is supposed to be a secret to all but the "inner circle".
I know you said don't quote you, but I felt like your responses warranted a reply. That said, I appreciate that you are still learning the lore, and though I've been into Elder Scrolls and been a member (on and off) of these forums for a long time, I won't claim to know nearly everything about the lore, either.
Anyway none of this was meant in anger, as I didn't take offense to anything you said, but I thought some of it was a little off. The Skyrim werewolves do seem more "controllable" so far, but I like that because I don't want anyone forcing my hand about anything. I could play as a phychotic killer if I really wanted to and just slaughter anyone on my path. On the other hand, I think it would be more fun to play a more or less good/honorable character who's moral boundaries have become slightly skewed by becoming a werewolf. So maybe as a compromise, he only feeds on bandits, werewolf hunters and maybe joins the DB, infiltrating their ranks, even doing a couple missions to "prove his loyalty", then once on the inside, slaughter the entire DB faction, one by one, just for fun.

Skyrim still allows you to roleplay it however you want - it just doesn't force you to transform (at least not so far) or kill anyone you don't want to. You also don't ever get the "well rested" perk no matter how much you sleep.
Heh, finally back to the topic of Khajiit and werewolves, I just think because of their heightened senses (or that's how I percieve them - I mean cats are keen predators) they might notice that a person (human, mer, Khajiit, Argonia) who has a form of lycanthropy doesn't "smell right" or something like that... Even a nord guard once mentioned that I smelled like a wet dog once after I returned from "hunting" as a werewolf. I like to think that Khajiit senses are a little keener than humans'.
The thing about the Khajiit werewolf chasing himself was just a light-hearted cat/dog joke. Yes, Khajiit are in their natural form already, so becoming a werewolf affects them the same as everyone else. It would be neat if there was a difference though, like if a Khajiit got lycanthropy, he would become more like a "weretiger". I guess things could get a bit confusing with beast races, though.
I still think it would be funny to have a Khajiit comment for a werewolf in human form like "
Khajiit does not trust you... you smell like... enemy" they wouldn't necessarily be hostile, but maybe have a lowered disposition towards you or something.