J'derras gives greetings to Khajiit bretheren. On the topic of Argonians, J'derras has a good Argonian mage-friend named Rees-Kai. Khajiit are a much better looking race than others, but each race has its own merits. Also, J'derras has the sneaking suspicion that the Thalmor made the moons disappear. J'derras plans to spead the word in Elsweyr when his adventures in Skyrim are over.
Or perhaps the angry Red Mountain hid the moons for some time. Then when they reappeared, perhaps it was the Thalmor who have stolen the credit. Khajiit does not trust Thalmor, not because of such petty politics, but because J'rahzir has no trust for the Elf.
Ra'Gruzgob is khajiit. Can you not see? Do you like my tail?
Tails are clearly overrated. Perhaps one would be better with such a stub, no?