In other news, the search for the Talos Temples is still going. Every adventurer seeking personal riches, walk/sail away! Looting and plunder awaits thee!
And post naughty messages on the temples' walls.
Good luck with that. We built it over a week ago. We have hidden it well. Kerm can attest to the monumental task of its construction, as well as how easy it would be to find except nobody is thinking outside the box. It originally wasn't going to be a "temple", just a secret city. When I conceived of the temple idea and after Undone and Wampbit made revisions to it, we decided to use it as our base.
As for the chaos that was yesterday, I am going to clear up some confusion.
Why Temple Cult Wars?It all started as a joke between Myself, Povuholo, Sigyl, Pidgeon and Hiomaste. After a while the war idea came to me and I thought it would be a nice change of pace for some PvP action. Many of you liked the idea and many did not. Some liked it at first but quit after realizing (assumption) the task of secrecy and upkeep wasn't going to be easy.
While some of the idea worked in theory, in practice it was chaos. Especially after
someone abused the lifted ban that was on fire.
Why destroy Aldgate?To move along a storyline. The week previous to its destruction we noticed that the game had become stale. People were just off doing their own thing and the overall server population was dim. If you noticed there was about 10-15 players on constantly after the announcement, so it worked in one aspect.
Previous to its destruction we contemplated holding a poll on the forum to see what players felt about the radical changes to come, instead we opted for a surprise. SURPRISE!!!! Didn't work out too well. I hope that next time we have an idea we aren't as shortsighted.

(Sorry Carlzilla

Some of you asked:
What storyline?Read the op. Seriously it has been there since day 1 of the Aldgate world. This was supposed to be a RP world and I use the term very loosely as not many of us are actually rping. We felt that since Aldgate had been pretty much abandoned and there really wasn't a "story" anymore that a change had to be made.
Carlzilla stated:
I like the old Hamachi server, when people had to be invitedWe would have liked to have some sort of invitation or password system but we cannot. Simply put, Minecraft does not yet have those features and we are not allowed to change the server software.
About Nukls' beach houseWe don't know exactly what happened but I may have the most logical theory. I was standing on top of the beach house when Saurok sneaked up behind me and set me on fire. This may have accidentally led to the house fire.
My take on fire in generalBan it. Some people still can't use it responsibly if yesterday is of any evidential value. Ban lighters as well so that "accidental fires" cannot happen.
My take on TNTResponsible use. It is extremely hard to come by outside of duping and I highly doubt another Eddard is going to come by.
In closing:
We had hoped that Temple Wars would have alleviated some players want for PvP action. The chaos of yesterday suggests
otherwise. Those that couldn't take the griefing.... wait until damage is in, you'll see some real griefing then