During the last great expansion of the city of Aldgate, city separatists from a distant and secret land discovered the Temple of Vinegar Ra just outside of Aldgate along the coast.
These separatist saw this as an unwanted affront to their freedom of religion and immediately formed the Oblivion Cult. Their first act of rebellion was to place a secret room underneath the Temple of Vinegar Ra. In this secret room they inlaid a Daedric Symbol made of obsidian into the floor and covered it with redstone torches. This secret room was found a mere 2 days later by the temple's founder, Hiomaste.
Hiomaste had been expanding the temple and accidentally opened a floodgate into the secret room. The waters washed away the glowing redstone torches and revealed to Hiomaste the existence of the Oblivion Cult. To this day, the Daedric Symbol is still inlaid within the stone floor of the Temple of Vinegar Ra.
The first cult war had started.
In the secret land of Torhemn, the Oblivion Cult constructed a main temple upon a high mesa named The Temple of JUSTICE (and Vinegar Ra hate). A few days later, accidentally, the Vinegar Ra leader Hiomaste stumbled upon the secret refuge for the Oblivion Cult. Since then, future cities devoted to the Lords of Oblivion have been planned. Where these cities will be located is as of yet, undetermined.
The City of Aldgate
The city of Aldgate was once a mini metropolis of homes and shops laid out upon narrow streets and dark alleys. It has since been abandoned: the majority of its citizens joining the Oblivion Cult. Quickly the followers of Vineger Ra siezed the dying town: its hardened stone walls and great buildings proving to be an excellent base for this, now endangered, cult.
However all was not well - even though the followers of Vinegar Ra had captured the greatest stronghold in the land, built using the last of the adamantium from the old empire, no expansion was seen. A whole section of the city was derilict, empty plots filling with weeds and wild grass - only the shadow of the wall's occupied the city's southern half.
Soon news from the city fell silent, no-body came to Aldgate, no-body left Aldgate. Vinegar Ra was gone, along with the last bastion of Empirical rule. It is unknown what exactly happened, but some speculate that the Oblivion cult had captured the founding cult leader and perfomed a dark ritual in the depths of their base. On that night all the followers of Vinegar Ra were said to have left the city, looking to lose themselves in the wilderness. There have been some reports of a bearded nomad wondering the forest surrounding Aldgate, it is suspected that he was once the founder of the first great cult. Hiomaste.
Without a common enemy the Oblivion cult fell into disarray. Their increasing tendency to the dark arts brought fear to many of their members. All those that disobeyed were swiftly brought to justice, and cruel sports such as spleefing were invented purely to entertain the leaders of the cult. Yet rebel factions grew, a few men, strong of will, shrew in nature, slowly formed a rebelion movement. There was no longer the great enemy of Vinegar Ra to keep these men from wanting change. Dissident rumours began to surface, gradually increasing in number.
On one fateful night the Oblivion magistrates gathered in a hidden room of stone. They came to discuss the future of the cult, they were losing control, and had to regain it. Some shouted that they should remove the leash and let their people live a free life - make them happy and the cult will survive. Yet those with the greatest power could not be swayed. The only way to combat this terrible situation was to kill all those that spoke out, those that dare repeat a rumour shall die. Driven by religious zeal they set forward this new plan, their first action was to stain the stone floor with the blood of any magistrate that disagreed.
This single act was to be the death of the cult - a clear rift emerged within a fortnight. People nolonger tiptoed around their views: they stated them adamantly and stood their ground. Thus started the war of Oblivion. A week of civil war within their walls, leaving nothing but congealed blood.
Those that had survived founds ways out of the realm of therradale, what had once seemed an idylic paradise, an escape from imperial wars, had become the greatest ground of treason and bloodshed seen to man.
Yet the story does not end here: The years of warring cults had a sound impact on Therradale. The populous was split greatly, many small groups of persons forming splinter cults and reformations of the old great establishments. Even the tired Empire was turned into something of lore and history - people viewing the last emperor not as a mad warmonger but a God.
No this was not the end at all: the temple wars were yet to begin.
You find yourself a new citizen in the realm of Therradale, you hold your adamant beliefs close to your heart and shun all those that disagree. The bustling metropolis of Torhemn is the only city left in the realm. There are old fables saying that if one were to follow the great bridge they would find the ruins of the God Temple - A wonderous city founded by the grand Emperor: King of all Gods. Yet no-one leaves the city, they stare daggers at one another, begrudging alternate views, yet dare not venture into the wilderness. However times are changing, it has been a great many years since the war between the Oblivion Cult and the Heathen Ra. War is, once again, approaching.
The Temples
As of now there are but rumours of different factions gathering, fighting for power in Torhemn, it is up to you are likeminded persons to gather those of your belief together and found your temples.
The decision of whether or not someone can join a temple is up to that temple's hierarchy.
Rules for Temple Creation
Real world religions are NOT allowed.
A temple must have a home location/city. It is generally not advised to create a temple within range of an existing temple.
The name of the temple must be posted in the main thread, you do not need to post it's location.
Basics of the Game
The Temple Wars are carried out in a sort of “capture the flag” scenario only instead of flags there are “totems”. Temple members will scour the land in search of temples and their totems. They must then steal these totems and bring the back to their home temple.
The Rules of Engagement
Individual temples may be constructed anywhere within a home city's territory.
A cult can have up to 5 temples. The first 2 temples are free, the third is 10g the fourth and fifth are 20g. If you have 5 temples you can build a keep for your cult, this costs a further 100g however provides many benefits.
Temples MUST be partially constructed above ground. They cannot be wholly underground. There must be a clearly visible entrance and marked entrance, stating to which cult the temple belongs.
A totem is a basic redstone torch which MUST be placed on a block of sand within a temple.
A cult is allowed 1 totem per temple.
A totem must be clearly marked with a sign as to prevent confusion with any other redstone torches in the area.
The totems cannot be all placed in a single temple leaving one empty, your totem's temple must always remain within the temple it belongs, clearly marked. The totem room must also be accesible via a single path, and distinct from other rooms. You may not have a lava lake and then a single block with your totem for example. Nor can you have the totem in a 4*4 room.
Capturing a Totem
To capture a totem all one has to do is take it (be wary of traps and protectors).
After capturing a totem one must remove the sign that was placed there to identify the totem and placed in GMT the time and date from which it was taken. And which faction took it.
The player that captures a totem must then carry it to his/her home city in which their current totem is held.
The player must place this totem next to their own totem with a clearly marked sign. If your totem is currently stolen, you may NOT capture any totems until your own totem is retrieved.
Retrieving a Stolen Totem
If a player is seen stealing your totem all you must do is tag that player and that player must drop the totem and leave your territory. Once damage is implemented with SMP, you must kill that player. For now the process of tagging will mean setting the person on fire, or the block below them etc. anything noticeable to both persons.
If the thief gets away you must find their temple that holds your totem and retrieve it WITHIN 48 hours of the aforementioned posted GMT time and date. (this will be explained later)
You may NOT capture the enemy totem until your own totem is safely placed within your home temple totem location.
If you are tagged/killed while doing this you must exit the territory and try again later. As long as you retrieve it within 48 hours, your totem is safe.
Defending Your Totem
You may use ANY MEANS NECESSARY to defend your totem. ( this will mainly be done with redstone logic circuit traps, once they are fixed)
Tag/kill thieves quickly to thwart losing your totem.
The Scoring System
A temple that holds a enemy totem for more that 48 hours will score a point against that temple. After which the temple that held that totem is destroyed and cannot be used again. The losing city will be able to rebuild their temple with a new totem (at a fee) after 4 days.
Scoring ten points against a city(or capturing all of that city's temples if there are less than ten) will result in “capture/destruction” of that city, after which that city's residents must surrender to your temple or retreat and build a new city.
After capturing a city, your cult then owns that territory. Your cult may NOT use those temples as locations for your totem.
If you have 5 temples you may purchase the ability to build a keep. A keep acts as a 6th Totem, if all 5 totems are captured a cult is destroyed, with a keep you will have another defendable location as backup. Furthermore with a keep, if you hold the keep for 2 days you will be given immunity for 1 day and the ability to rebuild all your temples at a cost.
Other Rules
TNT is allowed to be used for CANNONS AND CANNONS ONLY! You cannot create TNT yourself, you will recieve it as a reward from your God for holding an enemy totem for 48 hours. For now fire can be used for minor griefing of an enemy, but make it is in reason, if you don't limit yourself it'll be banned again.
Griefing against rival temples is encouraged. Want to flood Hiomaste's hidden home? Do it. Want to place signs stating that Hiomaste is a dirty, dirty HEATHEN!? Do it.
Excessive griefing, like the signs found recently in Aldgate that insult the British, is expressively forbidden and a bannable offense. (We will find out who you are, whoever placed those signs, and you will be crushed beneath our iron clad boots!)
Mining into/out of buildings is forbidden.
Destroying buildings (unless they are captured temples) is forbidden.
Aldgate is now fair game and no-mans territory. The only place that is not fair game is Torhemn.
All other server rules apply.
Spawn will be very shortly changed to Torhemn.
What is Minecraft?
Minecraft is a creative sandbox game centered around exploration and survival; exploring and gathering resources allows you to protect yourself against a variety of beasties that hunt you down during the night. The creative sandbox elements of the game fuel your want to survive and gather, which in turn allow you to build many wonderful creations. Basic fluid physics also provide interesting means of creating basic machines.
Links and Resources
http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_l9s1a28Sq81qzd3eyo1_1280.png?AWSAccessKeyId=0RYTHV9YYQ4W5Q3HQMG2&Expires=1286481151&Signature=iHa3C3XjkvoalMm3Mf%2FvaGk%2Bybs%3D Woooo!
Server Details
As the BGSF is the center of all good in the gaming world, we have appropriately set up a server - we started on a humble hamachi server, locally hosted, but have since risen in the world, and now have a dedicated minecraft server! You can find the details below, and if you'd like to help us keep the server running details can be found at the spawn

Server Details:
Before entering the server post your Minecraft username in this thread - you will be kicked/banned on sight if you do not!
Port: 25565
Server OPs: (these persons can ban you at their will, as well as save you from various clipping bugs)
SuperPete (Monkey Hybrid)
The Long Awaited Player List
BGSF : Minecraft
Wampbit : Wampbit
th3undon3on3 : undone
saurok : saurok
Bonemonster : Bonemonster
Monkeyhybrid : superpete
tesfanner : xuerebx
The 6th : TheSmirk
Cliffworms : Cliffworms
Exorince : deviantbj
MLG_Cabbage : redelephant
Theguyinthebackcorner : Meerkat13
Povuholo : Povuholo
kerm : Faderkaka
dragon7ball7 : Boombox_
Malakthrin : Malakthrin
TeeHee:3 : RoflWaffleLolz
revolutionfilms : _tdk_
The Gate Keeper : The_Gate_Keeper
Allstarn08 : Allstarn09
Konqueror : jackjelinek
Volundarkvioa : Volundarkvioa
Capital : MC_Cabe
d4r00g : d4r00g
Meatley : Meatley
Robbio : Robbio
Gamgee : Xivai
gamemstr35 : gamemastr35
R'lyeh Liberation Front : Carlzilla
kinguin : kinguin
Cliffworms' Brother : Bejeur
Kinguin : Kinguin
Wolf101 : jakjakatak
Oranos : Barteh
nappa : nappa900
mrcrazy_monkey : mrcrazy_monkey
I know I've missed several of you, this is because I simply don't know your MC usernames - post here/pm me and I'll update.