Hello, could someone tell me how hard it is to get a Paradise map to spawn?
Or even a Hell map.
I've gotten over 9000! (not really) normal island maps, and several inland maps, where the lava outweighs the water by a factor of 40 usually.
Also, yeah, diamonds! A diamond pick is fun to use. And diamond swords! I wish I had one in real life. Wait, it would shatter on the first hit...diamond is not shock resistant to damage. Dropping a diamond on the ground hard causes it to form cracks.
Uh, what's funny is in most games gold armor is good. In this game, it's crappy. Which is logical.

And it would be heavy. Unlike diamond armor.
Oh, and if anybody can tell me what's a good way to find slimes besides explore every inch of a 8 times the size of the Earth map, let me know.