I'll gladly contribute 5$ to the server, seeing how much I enjoy playing in it.
I started 2 days ago on it and built myself a nice hideout 3-4 minutes from Aldgate. It's very well hidden too.

(I am not an outlaw though. I simply wanted to have my hideout in the wilds.

Yesterday, I decided to simply dig under my feet for as long as I could. I eventually arrived in a huge cave filled with nice material. I installed torches everywhere. The hole I started digging was pretty close to my hideout. But I didn't think to put a torch or something on the ground before starting digging... so I lost track and I don't know where that mine is located anymore. Oh well, I'll find more.

I also had fun creating two waterfalls coming out of a stone formation. There was a natural waterfall in the middle of it, so I dug the sides of the formation and created two channels of water and dug the outisde to create the waterfall. All the water flooded the ground below, creating a nice lake.