I thought there was health in the game already...I know Multiplayer isn't that functional yet...but I thought you could still die if you fell far enough?
Anyhow, I have a weird issue. Trees will not grow underground for me, much. I think I got 2 trees after at least 7 days of trying.

In game days. Which is enough time for 100 trees to grow above ground twice.

I've dug out a sun roof, I've placed almost 120 torches around the room, I've cleared 8 tall in every direction that's not under the sun roof, and what not.
I just can't grow anything.

Trust me, there's enough light here for them.
If I were to stand in a room with this many torches in real life, I'd be on fire.

And slimes keep spawning in my caves too. Which is nice, I've never seen them before.
Stupid giant slimes that kill you fast because they go through walls due to hit detection being off.