Unofficial Minecraft Discussion XX

Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:23 am

New World Operational!

No light escapes the obsidian encased portal. As you move your hand towards the twisting purple nether you are blasted by increasing heat. A smell of dry sulfur fills the air. Behind you - Therradale.
Ancient paintings show an agricultural land, dotted hamlets, wooden houses, happy people - a fairytale. The stories of the 'mad king' ring clear in your mind, a brutal and paranoid man; one wrong glance meant execution, one bad harvest and a village was a bad omen - "Burn it to the ground!". Civil war tore apart the old lands, killing every soul that dared to fight. Leaving but the King, laughing amidst his ruined castle. Dying on a bed of ash and salt.

Aldgate - the new world - hope - where the 'sane' empire fled. A village encased in adminium became the capital of the new world. Sea fare, Castles, Residents, Wanderers, the tight grip of the old imperialists. The metal set image of the idyllic escape made for unparalleled romanticism, but soon the fa?ade began to rust. It was a state driven by wealth and power, corruption ran deep, and the only people that didn't see it were the rulers themselves. The citizens yearned for freedom, and given enough time they created it themselves.

The Temple wars were the culmination of this tension, rival factions became rival religions, and under their banners broke free from the adamantium cage that was Aldgate. Historic details during this time are unknown, records were burned, those with knowledge killed for fear that they would betray their factions. All that is known is of a neutral town known as Torhemn; a place where all were welcome, protected by natural mountains and great keeps. As with all things it too came to an end, commerce slowed, poverty struck, and people left.

As a final resort people built together to form 'vaults' - the world had changed, the land was no longer the fertile golden land described in ancient texts. There were no more 'safe-havens', death was indiscriminate, claiming all but a very lucky few. The vaults were limited, an escape for a while, hoping, magically, things would improve, but as resources ran low, and tensions built, it was clear that everyone had sealed themselves within their tombs.An air of apathy grew, nobody noticed an old lore master spending all of his days reciting ancient texts, and chiselling away at a strange rock. Rumours were quenched with bitter responses, "He's just hammering at bedrock, nothing better to do anymore." Yet today everything changed, a loud laugh, and shouts of success, as you rush to see what happened you find yourself quite abruptly positioned in front of a portal. "Into the nether, boy! Into the nether! You shall lead the way through to our new land!"

Before you can object a sharp shove from the old man sends you hurtling into this strange plane of existence. Ready to stay true to your ancestors and fight for survival within a new land!

Many thanks to Lord Black for hosting our maps.

Territory Claim:
To claim territory you must first physically go there, and make your mark, having done this post the co-ordinates in the thread. If nobody counter-claims within 16 hours it is yours.

Within your territory you are the ruler, your rules - your game.

Once you have claimed your territory you cannot expand in any way other than conquering enemy territory. You can also build in no-man's land, but everything that occurs here is alright. If someone griefs you persistently in your territory, it is a crime, if it's in no-man's land, it is not.

All wars and politics must be posted in the thread, if you attack a region you must make a declaration of war wtihin the thread. If you do not it is considered griefing and you will be temp banned, no matter what. This also counts for retaliation.

The spawn and surrounding area is strictly NO PvP.

Most of all, be sensible - this is supposed to be fun for all players, and as moderators we will use our common sense to say what's right and wrong, not just a set of rules.

What is Minecraft?

Minecraft is a creative sandbox game centered around exploration and survival; exploring and gathering resources allows you to protect yourself against a variety of beasties that hunt you down during the night. The creative sandbox elements of the game fuel your want to survive and gather, which in turn allow you to build many wonderful creations. Basic fluid physics also provide interesting means of creating basic machines. The multiplayer is very similar to the single-player, just with more people. Right now neither enemies nor damage function, however an update fixing this will be arriving shortly.

Links and Resources

Server Information
As the BGSF is the center of all good in the gaming world, we have appropriately set up a server - we started on a humble hamachi server, locally hosted, but have since risen in the world, and now have a dedicated minecraft server! You can find the details below, and if you'd like to help us keep the server running details can be found at the spawn ;).

Entry Requirements
To access our great and grand server you have to meet one of the following criteria - your application for the IP will be assessed individually and you shall be pmed by a moderator with the IP. This could take some time, and it is possible to be denied access.

You are 'Curate' forum rank or above (1 gold star) - this indicates to us that you are a member of the BGSF community, compared to a passing vagabond looking for some quick fun. As this server is aimed towards the community we do expect our members to be a part of the community.

2. You are a friend of a known player, and they have informed us that you wish to play. If you are a friend of a member we expect, by proxy, that you'll be a mature player and good fun to be around.

You do not have any rank on the forums, however have proven yourself to be an active member of our thread. If you've posted in our thread for a week or two, shared your projects, screenshots of your single-player obsidian factory, and generally proven yourself to be a friendly person that acts in an appropriate manner you will be allowed onto the server.

Server Details:
Before entering the server post your Minecraft username in this thread - you will be kicked/banned on sight if you do not!

IP: On request

Server OPs: (these persons can ban you at their will, as well as save you from various clipping bugs)
SuperPete (Monkey Hybrid)

Undone's Post Clarifying the Rules and Acceptable Conduct:
What the Catriarch said is right. If you have a problem at all, take it up with an admin (see list in OP) via PM.

Now, for some clarification on rules:

Large out of place structures such as skyscraqers are NOT allowed. Correct procedure here is for an admin to notify the owner of the building and request its deconstruction. If the owner refuses or takes no action, only THEN should the admin dismantle the building. This dismantling should return the area to its natural state - blowing the crap out of it with TNT is not allowed. Further to this, the rule on structures outwith claimed territory is that they COULD be griefed. Not that they SHOULD be griefed. If a building in unclaimed territory is destroyed then there is nothing an admin can do about it, but admins should NOT seek to destroy such buildings to be seen to be enforcing rules.

And a little further clarification on admin actions in general. Admins should NOT be spawning blocks, and should NOT be teleporting about. The only commands an admin should be using outwith rule enforcement are those available to all members (/compass, /home etc). Admins are supposed to be an example to the other players, and should act as such.

If anyone has any issues with any of this, take it up with Wampbit or I via PM.


The Long Awaited Player List

BGSF : Minecraft

Wampbit : Wampbit
th3undon3on3 : undone
saurok : saurok
Bonemonster : Bonemonster
Monkeyhybrid : superpete
tesfanner : xuerebx
The 6th : TheSmirk
Cliffworms : Cliffworms
Exorince : deviantbj
MLG_Cabbage : redelephant
Theguyinthebackcorner : Meerkat13
Povuholo : Povuholo
kerm : Faderkaka
dragon7ball7 : Boombox_
Malakthrin : Malakthrin
TeeHee:3 : RoflWaffleLolz
revolutionfilms : _tdk_
The Gate Keeper : The_Gate_Keeper
Allstarn08 : Allstarn09
Konqueror : jackjelinek
Volundarkvioa : Volundarkvioa
Capital : MC_Cabe
d4r00g : d4r00g
Meatley : Meatley
Robbio : Robbio
Gamgee : Xivai
gamemstr35 : gamemastr35
R'lyeh Liberation Front : Carlzilla
Cliffworms' Brother : Bejeur
Kinguin : Kinguin
Wolf101 : jakjakatak
Oranos : Barteh
nappa : nappa900
mrcrazy_monkey : mrcrazy_monkey
titan357 : titan357
Fracot (a friend of Wampbit)
Flowi - Arcadiex
Stivesie89 - Stivesie89
caffienatedjedi - caffienatedjedi
Ditre - Sigyl
D-11 - The_Pastmaster
WoOdElF79 - Tipsygear
Peace Bullet - DrSneakyLucario
Lord Dark - JamieEP
Nirreln - Nirreln
Terpy (tesfanner's cousin)
Nuck - Nukl
xXAntibodyXx - xXAntibodyXx
SimpsonFly - SimpsonFly
SkyShadowing - SkyShadowing
Yugemos - yugemos
Demonicpopcorn - evanempathy
Mungo0 - Mungo0
Gordstaman - dja_hel

I know I've missed several of you, this is because I simply don't know your MC usernames - post here/pm me and I'll update the list.

If you have the invincibility bug, /home, and log-off/relog until the log-in damage kills you - you will then respawn as normal, and be able to /home and collect your items.
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Sherry Speakman
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:11 pm

Wampbit, maybe you should amend the post a bit. You can fix the bug yourself by logging in and out enough to where the damage that you usually get upon login will kill you. After that you will get the respawn screen as normal and can go and pick up your items.
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:18 pm

I would like to make a
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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:56 pm

I would like to make a

Would you like some land with that land claim? :P
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SaVino GοΜ
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:34 pm

Saturday, November 27, 2010. 5:00 PM

Dear Journal,

After many days of research and study I have finally come to the answer I was looking for. How it has avoided me so easily is beyond my grasp. It's all just so clear now. The reaction to creepers, the building patterns, the social interactions. Why didn't I see it before! I don't know what to do with this information, but as for now it must be written down. This land. This place. It isn't what it seems. Well, it is. Was. Has been. It's us. We're doing it to it. We're the source of it all. The world is starting to go mad. The large herds of animals arriving at our homes. The overabundance of monsters at night. The blocks that seem, as if by magic, to reappear after we've destroyed them. The world is going mad because we are mad. I may be the only sane on left. How long before my landlord, Jedi, snaps? Will I be the first victim of this downward spiral into insanity? I've decided to head north. This will be the second time I've left an old home behind. I'll take no supplies with me. I must find it. It is the only way.
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noa zarfati
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:18 pm

My claim is the peninsula across from jedi on the h5-h6 border
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Craig Martin
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:22 pm I feel bad that the official map we have to use is so much more tiny and low quality. Wampbit, why aren't you making maps as good as the original one anymore? Is it a matter of file size or what? Because the one I just linked too is only 3 mb....
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:50 pm

Saturday, November 27, 2010. 5:12 Pm

Captain's Log

Everyone is turning against me. My tenants have taken to the hills to plot. Around every corner I see an ambush. I see only one solution now. Everyone must die. Expresate must be the first to go. I sense it is him leading them. The only thing that is real is the pain and the blo *it is impossible to read further. The page is smeared with blood*
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:13 pm

Would you like some land with that land claim? :P

The ice serves me well in many ways.
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:19 pm

My claim is the peninsula across from jedi on the h5-h6 border

Could you please circle it on the map?
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 3:38 am

Could you please circle it on the map?

no but i will point
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Mylizards Dot com
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:37 am I have yet to make a true border.
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Alexandra walker
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:04 pm

Why aren't large towers allowed? I don't get the reason why if it's build in our own areas. For example, take the old Gray Legion Keep, is that not allowed?
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:32 pm

Why aren't large towers allowed? I don't get the reason why if it's build in our own areas. For example, take the old Gray Legion Keep, is that not allowed?

It's allowed in your own regions.
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:43 am

It's allowed in your own regions.

So you can't have a large tower in an unclaimed area?
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Toby Green
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:31 pm

Why aren't large towers allowed? I don't get the reason why if it's build in our own areas. For example, take the old Gray Legion Keep, is that not allowed?

I agree. It would be cool to be out on a mountain or something and see a great powerful tower. Like looking down on the Imperial City in Oblivion.

EDIT: Nevermind...
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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:44 pm

I've circled my claim in the last was not included on this new map. I'm assuming it's an oversight.

It's an area in I-5 and J-5.
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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:29 pm

I have made my claim in a previous thread and its been 16hours with no objections so I assume the land is mine.
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:17 pm

In regards to New Mordor joining the Northern Alliance:

I'm uncertain that I want Mordor to formally join the Alliance, I'd rather keep Mordor independent. I am however happy to not be formally in the Alliance itself, but still be an 'ally' of the Alliance. (If you understand what I mean) Basically, New Mordor would be independent, but still support the Alliance and its interests.

Basically, Mordor would be with the Alliance, but not of the Alliance.
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DAVId Bryant
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:19 am

Sorry to come back like this after a rage quit but I want to help my friend learn the game. The other servers I know are not newbie friendly. I intend to just find a small empty corner and show him the ropes, and if need be I can shoo him away later if you guys don't want him as a permanent addition. My turf is not suitable for learning as its full of sand and unworkable materials. I also have access to nothing a newbie needs there.
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:39 pm
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:44 pm

What texture pack?
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:22 pm

Can we possibly install that at some point? It would make thieving a thing of the past. And with monsters and death on, we'll want to store more valuable things in our chests now.
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RObert loVes MOmmy
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:09 pm

What texture pack?

I have painterly but its a custom moon
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:09 pm

Can we possibly install that at some point? It would make thieving a thing of the past. And with monsters and death on, we'll want to store more valuable things in our chests now.

Stealing is part of the game as far as I'm concerned. :shrug: With monsters turned on it does make thieving harder as players have to 'brave the wastes' just to get to an area.
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