I just have one question. Why does a game with such simple graphics run so hard spec wise? Obviously this game is no Crysis, but being able to play games like Fable, Morrowind, and even WoW on my computer at least decently, I find it weird that this game can't stay above around 3 fps when I play. I really want to play this game, but I don't plan on building my new computer for a few months (expect a thread helping me with this in the future btw). What is it about this game that makes it run so badly? Is there more to the graphics than meets the eye? I r confoosed.
The game is coded entirely in Java and does not use your GPU at all. Only your CPU, that's why you're getting hit hard I wager.
EDIT: I have tried to learn Java and filed miserably at it, if I am wrong, please tell me. This is what I heard from people who actually know how to program.