» Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:01 am
BGSF Share Map - "Boundaries - for a better tomorrow"
Turn Order
Legend: On base - At bat - On Deck - In The Hole
the fishy wanderer
Gamemastr - currently pending confirmation
The Gate Keeper
Map - http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/5771/sharedmapasofr2s4.png - Courtesy of Antibody
Question and Answer - changed April 25 (added folder name changes, PM request to next person in line, and boundary guidelines; modified recommended file hosting sites)
Q: What is this share map thing?
A: A Minecraft share map is a singleplayer map that one person plays at a time. They have a set amount of time to play it, and when they're done, they upload the map for the next player in the queue. Rinse and repeat. That way, you have a single world with a shared creative vision without the multiplayer.
Q: How long will I get the map for?
A: When you come here to download the map, make a post saying you've got it. Then go edit. You have 48 hours from the time of your post to work your magic and upload the map, then PM the next person in line.
Q: What if I'm not ready for it?
A: You have 24 hours from the time the person before you uploaded to acknowledge you've got the map. If you know your upcoming turn won't be good for you, post ahead of time and you can be bumped down the queue. If that happens during your turn, you can have the map again in the next rotation - just upload what you've already done, if any.
Q: Are there any special rules?
A: Not really, other than don't be a dink. If you do, we'll just revert to a previous save and bar you from the rotation. The only big rule we ask is to please play on 'Peaceful' because we wish to preserve the built structures. Other than that, simple etiquette takes over. If you use things, try to replace some or all of it. Leave resources for the next player. Don't deliberately explore beyond the boundaries of the map (you can use F3 to see) since it'll bloat the world file size. Don't destroy their creations (at least, not without asking), even if they don't meet your standards.
Q: How can I download/upload the map?
When you download the map, unzip the save to your %appdata%/.minecraft folder, change the name of the folder (adding 1 to the round or session as appropriate), then start the game up. For uploading, zip the folder and upload the zip file to a file hosting service of your choice. There's lots out there, like http://www.megaupload.com/ for instance.
Q: Can I be a part of this?
A: Of course. Just post in this thread that you want to join, and you'll be added to the end of the queue.