Welcome to the realm of Therradale; a land once filled with peace and wonder now turned to ash and salt. We are some of the few allowed to escape this harrowing ordeal, while the King tries to hold the great Citadel against invading forces we were intrusted to start anew in the far away lands. Whether you were a richly trader or a lower street urchin in the old lands, he you are all the same. We shall found our great kingdom once again; and it shall all start with the city of Aldgate! With all law enforcement stretched thin, few agents of the law were able to accompany you during the grand journey to the new world and fewer survived the journey. The state can provide some services: it runs the towns and banks, but the wilderness is lawless and outlaws run rule during the night. With the army battling on multiple fronts, crime is often punished by personal retribution, while punishment for crimes against the empire are often left to the whim of vicious mercenaries. Which route do you choose? The outlaw ruler, the wealthy entrepreneur, or the money-chasing mercenary? With enough wealth and power, the King himself may take notice, or maybe, just maybe, you could rise above him in these new untold lands.
Rules and Ethics
Due to the lawless nature of the land, few actions are frowned upon, and even fewer prevented. The only crime that will have you expelled from the world, by bandits and townsmen alike is to cause persistent grief to an individual or members of a city without cause of any sort. Stealing is frowned upon, and if found taking from another man, you shall be jailed for a duration variable based on your crime. Repeated offenders will be branded as outlaws and removed from the city. Bounties may be placed on the destruction of an outlaw's base; be wary of the consequences of attacking the held laws. If you are considered a known bandit you shall be arrested upon entrance to a lawful city and jailed. Here you may chose to relinquish your possessions and destroy any wilderness buildings you own in favour of leading a city life. Otherwise, after your jail location, you shall be blindfolded and released as the dinner for a wolf.
The creation of an unlawful city is considered a direct affront to any lawful cities, as well as an act of war. Any affiliation with such a state will result in harsh consequences if you are discovered by true agents of the king.
To trade within an agent run city you must have lawful residence; this is counted as both a permanent residence, or an active room at the inn. The inn functions as a way for travelers to buy and sell within the city, as well as a means of unknown bandits to trade their goods with the rest of the world. However if a bandit is caught staying at an inn, he shall be imprisoned, and the inkeeper will face considerable penalties.
All owners of Commercial Plots shall receive a daily income from contributing to the town's economy - certain plots also allow for exclusive trade rights.
Without a Commercial plot all trading must be completed via signs. Signs placed within Aldgate's market square have a placement cost - all illegally placed signs shall be removed, and the owned fined. It is not legal, wherever in the world you may be, to trade via the main chat channel. You may only trade via signs. It is, of course, up to yourself to place signs wherever you may wish - however discovered trading with a bandit will mark you as one.
The only way one can establish a legal city is to buy the right from an agent of the law. All prices for plots of land are detailed at Aldgate's Town Hall. For information on bank storage please contact the legally aligned authority.
All that is left is for you, dear adventurer, to forge this new land into something unforgettable.
Approved Settlements:
What is Minecraft?
Minecraft is a creative sandbox game centered around exploration and survival; exploring and gathering resources allows you to protect yourself against a variety of beasties that hunt you down during the night. The creative sandbox elements of the game fuel your want to survive and gather, which in turn allow you to build many wonderful creations. Basic fluid physics also provide interesting means of creating basic machines.
Links and Resources
http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_l9s1a28Sq81qzd3eyo1_1280.png?AWSAccessKeyId=0RYTHV9YYQ4W5Q3HQMG2&Expires=1286481151&Signature=iHa3C3XjkvoalMm3Mf%2FvaGk%2Bybs%3D Woooo!
Server Details
As the BGSF is the center of all good in the gaming world, we have appropriately set up a server - we started on a humble hamachi server, locally hosted, but have since risen in the world, and now have a dedicated minecraft server! You can find the details below, and if you'd like to help us keep the server running details can be found at the spawn

Server Details:
Before entering the server post your Minecraft username in this thread - you will be kicked/banned on sight if you do not!
Port: 25565
Server OPs: (these persons can ban you at their will, as well as save you from various clipping bugs)
SuperPete (Monkey Hybrid)