Let all know that Neo Montreal has been founded!
Currently in construction, the main city will be located inside a skyscraqer greatly inspired by the http://staticimg.openbuildings.com/building221/media/media_19739.jpg building, the tallest building in Montreal.
It overlooks a huge, huge, frozen lake and snowy lands and mountains. Since the building is constructed mostly of windows, it offers a nice panorama from any position!
Neo Montreal is located in the snowy Great North, about 20 minutes from Aldgate and 30 minutes from Tornhemn.
I believe Neo Montreal will boast the largest and tallest skyscraqer in this known world.
Roads and bridges will be built when the skyscraqer will be almost finished, which is soon. I'm doing the roof now.
When minecarts will function, a train will be able to take you there from Tornhemn. I have my tracks ready to placed as soon as they work.

For those interested in building a city/village in the desert, there's a large desert between Aldgate and Neo Montreal.