Instead of starting a new sever can I suggest a few new rules since we all know we need them.
1. We should have a list of legal structures in the op. Anyones base can be added. Legal structures have two tiers civilian and military. Military ones can be griefed (a little bit) and civilian which cannot ve grieved under any circumstances. Also its location compared to a near by settlement. Also signs must be placed infront of your home if you're ~ more than 1 minute out of the city center. Also a picture of it would be nice but is no required.
*You don't have to post it exact location but then you will have to properly mark it*
An ex would be: Neo Montreal - civilian - 5 minutes west of Talos Imperium
Ironclad - military ( attacking Neo Montreal) 4 minutes west of Talos Imperium
Talos Imperium- civilian 30 minutes north of spawn.
Project X - civilian - eastish
Next to declare war on a settlement you first must build a fort/keep near by the town and openly declare war upon it here and in minectaft. The town then has to build its own fort in defense. These forts since you are at war can be openly griefedand the land in between them. This way peoples homes are save and we can create and destroy forts making historical battlefields.

Of course grieving a civilian structure is completely not allowed and doing so will result in a level 1 ban.
For an attacking force to continue the war it must pay 1 gold block( destroy it for RPing, like paying your troops and repairs ) a day. (This must be done infront of both parties). The war is over until either side surrenmaders/retreats or peace talks where deals are made.
If you are caught doing anything illegal, you will be banned for 1 week. If you come back and do it within the same month, you will be banned for a month. If you come back and play illegally a third time, you will be banned until the general community decides to let you back in. It is your responsible to know what is illegal.
Here is a current list of illegal activities.
Grieving legal civilian structures in town.
Grieving legal military structures you are not at war with.
Please add or suggest anything that comes to your mind and sorry for the bad english, for I am a bit buzzed now.
Also since I did grief the southern outpost, that I was not technically at war with you can give me a 1 week ban if it calms down the server.