So what are the rules for building, exactly? I think one of you mentioned some time ago that tunneling under settlements isn't allowed. Are we allowed to noclip on this server? That seems like it would make things easier. Also, like I asked before, can you or can you not build on the ocean? And is there a limit to how high you can build?
You're allowed to build under settlements as long as you don't grief somebody's basemant in the process. I've dug two Thieves Guild headquarters under two settlements, along with tunnels connecting them and I've never been scolded for it.

These places are now abandoned, but might prove an interesting discovery.
No use of noclip. In fact, I don't think it exists without modding the game.
Sure, you can build on the ocean. You must first build supports that start from the bottom of the ocean to the surface, then you can use the ocean surface block to place others besides it, without building more supports to the bottom.
There's a limit on the height. I don't know how much exactly, but it's pretty high. Unless you make some sort of Babel tower, you'll be fine.

By the way, for anyone who'd wish to build a railway with minecarts supposedly working tomorrw (or right now), I have a crapload of iron in my stash that I had planned to use for it. I'll gladly give the location to whoever wishes to do it.
I had planned originally to use the old Thieves Guild tunnels as a start to connect Tornhemn and Aldgate. Using the guild halls as "train stations".