Sorry to see you go TeeHee, but you can always make a peaceful area, and it doesn't take too long to get some resources.
Also, even with the software revert it's not working - I'm just leaving this until is back up, and someone has something to say about what's going wrong.
I am sitting here, eating leftover Thanksgiving dinner, pressing f5 and switching between this and the blog.
Must. Have. Minecraft.
It's a compulsive disorder, Minecraft. People say that WoW is addictive. I played WoW for about 3 months before canning it. Minecraft? Minecraft is [censored] crack-cocaine on speed and laced with acid.
I'm really thinking of joining in on this (is that enough to apply or do I have to PM someone?) but I'm wondering if you guys would recommend me dinking around in the game before I decide to carve out a lil empire?