Calling it right now. Assassins guild and don't lie we know its going to happen. I can see certain people agreeing to killings and not informing people of them, and then accusing the person being killed of being a drama queen and offer pic or didn't happen ect.
That would be interesting, but any assassins should carry around a chest, and once the person is killed, put all their dropped items in that chest as a "mark" of sorts.
Though any sneaking would be impossible considering how you can see someones name even if they are far away from you.
You know this update makes me want to just leave the server and its not even out yet. If it gets too insane Ill tip my hat and bow out.
Same here.
Notch did say that he will be adding an option for servers to have PvP in the future. If that happens I can see our server using it.
@Antibody: Look at my above post. Err, double above post.
I disagree with the strikes but agree with the temporary bans. With a strike system everyone will think "Oh if I kill this guy I'll still have 2 strikes left," while with an immediate temp ban the consequences are much more severe.
Of course we'd have to figure out a way to make it so that people can't just falsely accuse someone. I guess you'd have to take constant screenshots of the people around you like a paranoid maniac in constant fear of being killed.