Agreed. We tried doing this, but then someone started giving out stuff left, right and centre.
*Glares at Bonemonster*

I wouldn't mind PvP damage if it was team vs team (region vs region etc) play. A FFA would just get bloody real quick.
As for the spawning, I was going to suggest in a new world that we don't spawn anything, not even for ourselves but it seems
someone beat me to it.
I do however think the bans on fire and TNT should be lifted. With creepers in game and a TNT ban in effect, gunpowder would be useless and hunting creepers would be futile. Fire and TNT and Redstone Traps etc etc etc would go great with team vs team pvp....

I do believe Notch stated that there will be a server setting to turn PvP damage off though.
As for the earlier comment about the Admins not doing anything. How can we do something against the griefers if we
don't know who they are? I am not banning someone based on suspicion and wild speculation.
As for stealing? I'm probably not going to ban someone for stealing. Is it nice to steal? No. Am I going to get overly upset and flip my wig if someone steals from me? No. Someone once asked me why we don't ban Hio for stealing. Simply put, Hio is awesome. He also shares his ill-gotten wealth with the less fortunate. He's [censored] Robin Hood. hell, back in the old Aldgate days I was the first to clean out the damned bank that "
couldn't be broken into." Hide your stuff better. I WILL ban those using transparency and wireframe packs though, those aren't very sporting.