I see a glowy patch of lava on the surface. That's odd.
A natural lava flow, which just happened to set a forest on fire

It doesn't mark spawn.
Wampbit, I hope you guys give us a specific time when you will be unleashing the map, and give us at least 12-24 hours notice before doing so. It would be nice if the majority of us got access to it at the same time, instead of you guys randomly releasing it at a time when few of us are online.
The new map will go up when the server software is updated. I imagine it wont be too late, since Notch intended on doing it today. I'm pretty much done exploring our the map (Wampbit, get on Steam!), so it's down to when Notch updates and when Wampbit has time.
Okay, but I meant, http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/1022/map5normalnight.png, so I was wondering if we'd get one that didn't have large gaps like this one does before the map goes up.
That was just the map as it was at the time of posting. I've been cartographing it every few minutes. With most of the used area explored out, Cartographer still takes less than a minute.
As somebody who's never left the preexplored portion of this world, is it hard to tell if you're leaving the designated area?
It's somewhat tricky. The landscape is interesting and varied enough for you to be able to pinpoint your location on the map if you have a rough idea of where you are (compass pointing to spawn), and with regular cartograph updates we'll be able to warn anyone who strays too much.
Data from the last Cartograph. Torches are to give me my exact location on the map.
Map surface is: 5116672 square meters
Block amounts:
Air: 304729455
Stone: 273284423
Grass: 2748135
Dirt: 28861353
Snow: 165450
Water: 6836064
Ice: 67302
Lava: 2049862
Obisidian: 24092
Trunk: 176683
Leaves: 2152249
Wood: 0
Cactus: 871
Sand: 4263046
Gravel: 8815556
Clay: 4158
Gold Ore: 154927
Iron Ore: 1485183
Coal Ore: 3096743
Diamond Ore: 63609
Redstone: 513323
Cobble: 52169
Glass: 0
Cloth: 0
Gold: 0
Iron: 0
Diamond: 0
Farmland: 0
Crops: 0
Reed: 382
Torch: 24
CraftTable: 0
Chest: 709
Furnace: 0
Wooden Doors: 0
Iron Doors: 0
Signs: 0
Ladder: 0
Railtracks: 0
Wooden Stairs: 0
Rock Stairs: 0
Lever: 0
Buttons: 0
Pressure Plates: 0
Redstone Powder: 0
Redstone Torches: 0
These numbers might not be correct
Zombies: 245
Cows: 0
Sheeps: 0
Pigs: 4
Skeletons: 107
Creepers: 0
Slimes: 0
maxx = 43 maxy = 135 smax = -100000000 smaxy = -100000000
minx = -115 miny = -42 smin = 100000000 sminy = 100000000