You aren't allowed to build skyscraqers in spawn, so something tells me that making huge skyscraqers right next to spawn is also not allowed. If you want to make skyscraqers it's best you go a good distance away from spawn. I understand you want it to be close for convenience sake but there's a very good reason we all didn't start building massive structures around spawn.
It's not even visible from spawn, it's around a 2 minute walk making it more than far enough, and I think you all are drastically overestimating the size of this. It's not going to be some 100x100x100 megascraqer, just a medium sized tower.
umm please dont that is right next to my land and kinda ruins the view
1. The tower itself is where the hills are, not in the ocean so you can barely see it from your home, I checked. It's not out the back where you porch is with the view, it's by the lake on the other side, barely visible, as well as this it's going to have an awesome waterfall and garden, don't worry the view will be amazing.

2. The tower won't be big. What I plan now is 5 stories, 5 blocks high, with 2-3 stories as a condo/view point, total = 40 blocks high, give or take a few blocks. This as well as the fact it will be in the ditch, meaning around only 30 blocks will extrude, the tower won't be massive. Just large enough to facilitate trade at the level it will be done as organisations like BlockTech are already becoming popular, making something like this rather conveniant, even necessary in the near future.
Should all this fail, admins can easily move it to a more suitable spot should you still maintain the same stance as you are now, but I assure you, it will be spectacular upon it's completion.