» Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:47 am
I discovered an interesting little thing while building my mountain fortress in SP.
Now at the time, I already had two sets of netherworld portals. One right by my spawn, another that led somewhere else. Of course, I also wanted a third set of nether portals for my fortress, but the only guaranteed way of getting a portal inside the fortress itself was to build the nether portal in the real world instead of the nether. When it was complete, something interesting happened.
Rather than creating a new portal in the nether world once the real world portal was finished, the portal inside my mountain fortress instead linked to the nether portal where my spawn was, and it was impossible to use any of the other nether portals to get to the mountain fortress portal, resembling in something like this:
I ^
I I<---------N
v I
A complete set of two nether portals that work just like you'd expect them to, but the mountain fortress portal piggybacks on their connection. All the while it's impossible to use the completed portal set to jump to the piggybacking nether portal, so it's a one-way escape portal that can't be used as an infiltration route.