
I can't wait to play Minecraft again!
Full list (as far is the Minepedia is concerned):
* Note blocks (right click to tune, trigger to play)
* 15 wool dyes
* A new water dwelling mob (squid)
* New tree types (Birch)
* Reeds magically turned into sugar canes. They still make paper.
* A bunch of new crafting recipes
* One secret useful block (Dispenser)
* One secret pretty block (Lapis Lazuli Ore/Block)
* Cake
* Sugar - Crafted from Sugar Cane
* Default furnaces given new look
* Bones added on drops (possibly only skeletons)
* Bones can be crafted into Bonemeal.
* New gray, light gray, and black sheep. Drop correspondingly colored wool.
* Paintings work in multiplayer
* Disconnecting while riding no longer keeps the player in the world
* A bunch more state is properly synched in multiplayer
* Fixed colors going weird on PowerPC
* Fixed a horrible chunk reload loop in singleplayer
* Fixed most lighting bugs in newly generated SMP maps
* Falling sand behaves better in SMP
* Fixed a few crash on load level bugs
* Jack-O-Lantern now has correct tooltip.