Hehehee I really like the new update. I was running around coloring sheep all last night. :whistling: I have been mining like mad and haven't found any Lapis yet though. I think I have to go to an area with the new trees and start a mine there, since my minea are probably already loaded or however it works. I just don't want to go that far from my home point to make a mine though. Grumble.
I'm a little dissapointed about the trees, I was hoping that the saplings dropped would be the same species as the tree it;s dropped from, but a sapling is the same. I waned to grow some aspens and firs around my house.

I've been making some skins, http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=124798. Making skins is fun. :hehe: