That won't happen. Wamp won't let anything tall be built at spawn. However we could ask him.
I had been planning to build Green Emperor Way and to possibly branch off from there if the Palace turned out nicely. But first things first is the tower itself.
And as for the whole making into a grid thing... I have no idea how to do that... :sweat: Care to help me out, Shadow?
It's pretty easy once you wrap your head around it a bit.
Take a side-view shot (isometric would be best, by far) of the palace. Once we determine exactly how tall we can build the tower, start from either the top or the bottom, and count out as many blocks as it takes to get the entire tower built.
For example, if we have 50 blocks maximum height, make a grid 50 squares tall, and overlay it on top of a picture of the tower. That's the blueprint.
Once we get done there, we build a flat version of the tower. We then build another like an X. Once we do that, we have the tower roughed in, all we need to do it build the edges so that they're circular (at least, as circular as we can get them). Boom, perfect version of the tower.