It's been 16 hours without any counter-claim. Mark down Grid Square L-5 as a Green Zone under 'LEGOGOD'.
I'll add the more recent claims after the 16 hours are up.
I didn't know he attempted to fix the glitch that allows infinite tool uses. I lost my Diamond Pick.

I eventually found a way to do the trick again, but well it's far trickier.
I died once and discovered that my diamond pick who's health was in the red was green again, and no shuffling around with my inventory (trying to make it go back to red) would make it do so. I assumed I had actually healed it... until it broke not too long afterward.
I've never had a zone for myself since the start of the new map. I've been living underground, somewhere. With all exits to the outside world sealed.

I was crossing the lake in which I was able to see your name a while back when a void opened up and I was able to see inside your cave. I didn't dig down though as I had just died and needed to get my tools back. Am I the first mortal to glance upon the lair of the Cliffworm?