That hurts. :sadvaultboy:
When I'm sick I'm cynical. And considering insanity is an illness of the mind I'm cynical all the time.
But I'm just being honest mate. Would you rather I simply praise the new mods without reservation or would you rather I actually express my genuine concerns?
In all honesty the mods increasingly seem to be becoming a "jobs for the boys" situation rather than awarding moderator status due to merit. As a community server, this simply should not be. There was no consulation with the community about new mods whatsoever. I have serious doubts about a couple of the new mods and how good it actually is for the server for them to hold that status. The "having a mod in every timezone" seems to be a load of crap in my eyes. During my late afternoon/evening/night there are usually about half a dozen people that play throughout that time. None of the new mods come from that time, so how can these promotions be truly to address this supposed issue? At this very moment a mod is needed and yet no-one is one.
Also, the seemingly demotion of a previous mod has me very suspicious. "Not being on" can hardly be used as an excuse as about 1/3 of the mods on the current list are people I have seen online maybe once or twice. It seems as though the moderator status is being abused and its unsettling to see that.
Sorry to say it, but I had to get that off my chest. I have no personal problems with any mods, but I do have concerns about the way the server is heading. And I'm not convinced its in a good direction.