Unofficial Minecraft Discussion XXVI

Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:29 pm

BGSF Minecraft

No light escapes the obsidian encased portal. As you move your hand towards the twisting purple nether you are blasted by increasing heat. A smell of dry sulfur fills the air. Behind you - Therradale.
Ancient paintings show an agricultural land, dotted hamlets, wooden houses, happy people - a fairytale. The stories of the 'mad king' ring clear in your mind, a brutal and paranoid man; one wrong glance meant execution, one bad harvest and a village was a bad omen - "Burn it to the ground!". Civil war tore apart the old lands, killing every soul that dared to fight. Leaving but the King, laughing amidst his ruined castle. Dying on a bed of ash and salt.

Aldgate - the new world - hope - where the 'sane' empire fled. A village encased in adminium became the capital of the new world. Sea fare, Castles, Residents, Wanderers, the tight grip of the old imperialists. The metal set image of the idyllic escape made for unparalleled romanticism, but soon the fa?ade began to rust. It was a state driven by wealth and power, corruption ran deep, and the only people that didn't see it were the rulers themselves. The citizens yearned for freedom, and given enough time they created it themselves.

The Temple wars were the culmination of this tension, rival factions became rival religions, and under their banners broke free from the adamantium cage that was Aldgate. Historic details during this time are unknown, records were burned, those with knowledge killed for fear that they would betray their factions. All that is known is of a neutral town known as Torhemn; a place where all were welcome, protected by natural mountains and great keeps. As with all things it too came to an end, commerce slowed, poverty struck, and people left.

As a final resort people built together to form 'vaults' - the world had changed, the land was no longer the fertile golden land described in ancient texts. There were no more 'safe-havens', death was indiscriminate, claiming all but a very lucky few. The vaults were limited, an escape for a while, hoping, magically, things would improve, but as resources ran low, and tensions built, it was clear that everyone had sealed themselves within their tombs.An air of apathy grew, nobody noticed an old lore master spending all of his days reciting ancient texts, and chiselling away at a strange rock. Rumours were quenched with bitter responses, "He's just hammering at bedrock, nothing better to do anymore." Yet today everything changed, a loud laugh, and shouts of success, as you rush to see what happened you find yourself quite abruptly positioned in front of a portal. "Into the nether, boy! Into the nether! You shall lead the way through to our new land!"

Before you can object a sharp shove from the old man sends you hurtling into this strange plane of existence. Ready to stay true to your ancestors and fight for survival within a new land!

Many thanks to Lord Black for hosting our maps.

Territory Claim:
To claim territory you must first physically go there, and make your mark, having done this post the co-ordinates in the thread. If nobody counter-claims within 16 hours it is yours.

Within your territory you are the ruler, your rules - your game.

Once you have claimed your territory you cannot expand in any way other than conquering enemy territory. You can also build in no-man's land, but everything that occurs here is alright. If someone griefs you persistently in your territory, it is a crime, if it's in no-man's land, it is not.

All wars and politics must be posted in the thread, if you attack a region you must make a declaration of war within the thread. If you do not it is considered griefing and you will be temp banned, no matter what. This also counts for retaliation.

The spawn and surrounding area is strictly NO PvP.

Most of all, be sensible - this is supposed to be fun for all players, and as moderators we will use our common sense to say what's right and wrong, not just a set of rules.

Look on the map:

A Green Zone is a protected zone. These zones have no pvp and no stealing. Players claiming a Green Zone cannot PVP in their zone, unless defending it, and cannot steal from other zones. Players caught stealing from other zones that have claimed a Green Zone will have their zones redacted from Green to Red, permanently.

A Red Zone is the opposite of a Green Zone. Standard griefing rules still apply.

What is Minecraft?

Minecraft is a creative sandbox game centered around exploration and survival; exploring and gathering resources allows you to protect yourself against a variety of beasties that hunt you down during the night. The creative sandbox elements of the game fuel your want to survive and gather, which in turn allow you to build many wonderful creations. Basic fluid physics also provide interesting means of creating basic machines. The multiplayer is very similar to the single-player, just with more people. Right now neither enemies nor damage function, however an update fixing this will be arriving shortly.

Links and Resources

Server Information
As the BGSF is the center of all good in the gaming world, we have appropriately set up a server - we started on a humble Hamachi server, locally hosted, but have since risen in the world, and now have a dedicated Minecraft server! You can find the details below, and if you'd like to help us keep the server running details can be found at the spawn ;).

Entry Requirements
To access our great and grand server you have to meet one of the following criteria - your application for the IP will be assessed individually and you shall be pmed by a moderator with the IP. This could take some time, and it is possible to be denied access.

1. You are 'Curate' forum rank or above (1 gold star) - this indicates to us that you are a member of the BGSF community, compared to a passing vagabond looking for some quick fun. As this server is aimed towards the community we do expect our members to be a part of the community.

2. You are a friend of a known player, and they have informed us that you wish to play. If you are a friend of a member we expect, by proxy, that you'll be a mature player and good fun to be around.

3. You do not have any rank on the forums, however have proven yourself to be an active member of our thread. If you've posted in our thread for a week or two, shared your projects, screenshots of your single-player obsidian factory, and generally proven yourself to be a friendly person that acts in an appropriate manner you will be allowed onto the server.

Server Details:

Before entering the server post your Minecraft username in this thread - you will be kicked/banned on sight if you do not!


Server OPs: (these persons can ban you at their will, as well as save you from various clipping bugs)
Bonemonster ( All Hail The Great One)

List of those poor souls that Minecraft has devoured.

BGSF : Minecraft

Wampbit : Wampbit
th3undon3on3 : undone
saurok : saurok
Bonemonster : Bonemonster
Monkeyhybrid : superpete
tesfanner : xuerebx
The 6th : TheSmirk
Cliffworms : Cliffworms
Exorince : deviantbj
MLG_Cabbage : redelephant
Theguyinthebackcorner : Meerkat13
Povuholo : Povuholo
kerm : Faderkaka
dragon7ball7 : Boombox_
Malakthrin : Malakthrin
TeeHee:3 : RoflWaffleLolz
revolutionfilms : _tdk_
The Gate Keeper : The_Gate_Keeper
Allstarn08 : Allstarn09
Konqueror : jackjelinek
Volundarkvioa : Volundarkvioa
Capital : MC_Cabe
d4r00g : d4r00g
Meatley : Meatley
Robbio : Robbio
Gamgee : Xivai
gamemstr35 : gamemastr35
R'lyeh Liberation Front : Carlzilla
Cliffworms' Brother : Bejeur
Kinguin : Kinguin
Wolf101 : jakjakatak
Oranos : Barteh
nappa : nappa900
mrcrazy_monkey : mrcrazy_monkey
titan357 : titan357
Fracot (a friend of Wampbit)
Flowi - Arcadiex
Stivesie89 - Stivesie89
caffienatedjedi - caffienatedjedi
Ditre - Sigyl
D-11 - The_Pastmaster
WoOdElF79 - Tipsygear
Peace Bullet - DrSneakyLucario
Lord Dark - JamieEP
Nirreln - Nirreln
Terpy (tesfanner's cousin)
Nuck - Nukl
xXAntibodyXx - xXAntibodyXx
SimpsonFly - SimpsonFly
SkyShadowing - SkyShadowing
Yugemos - yugemos
Demonicpopcorn - evanempathy
Mungo0 - Mungo0
Gordstaman - dja_hel
Mrtankjump - Mrtankjump
Bullfrog - Volpper
Slashcross9 - SlashcrossXD
shadowmere123 - BronzeGolanth
CarnivorClown - WillieMcBride
Kira Yamato - firebos7
Mr.E - mr_e12345

PM Bonemonster to be added to the list, as he is the OP this time :P

We aren't changing maps now. We are building the city on the current map. To clarify some confusion:

- The area will be the 3x3 grid starting at d11 and ending at f13.
- The city will be built by players, for the players and run by the players.
- Your zones are not being taken away.
- The city is a safe zone.
- The city is an optional place to live.
- More people in one area = less RAM used to load chunks = less lag.
- Roads will be constructed to each zone, with owner approval.
- Administrative constructs in the city, the walls and the roads will be built using spawned materials to make it go faster.
- The Imperial Shop sells everything now.
- Shopkeeping will be allowed in the Market District.
- Moderators will be teleporting on players randomly, like I have been doing since last month or so, as random checkups to ensure they are not griefing/stealing (where illegal).
- /home may or may not be removed, it is undecided. Reason: People just /home when in danger. This defeats the purpose of Survival multi-player
- /spawn may or may not be removed, it is undecided. Reason: ^
- The Modlist is scheduled to change shortly pending a Mod meeting. new Modlist is up.

If you have a suggestion, or I have forgotten something. Post it.
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:45 pm

Why are you the great one? And given the new thread subtitle, what has happened? :P
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:49 pm

No updated map in weeks that's what happened! :P
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Cagla Cali
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:35 am

Why are you the great one? And given the new thread subtitle, what has happened? :P

Cuz I'm Bonemonster. :P Also, I'm currently writing you a PM about that
No updated map in weeks that's what happened! :P

Not exactly...
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:37 pm

So it's been almost 24 hours

Anyone have any objections to this?

also still can't connect :(
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Emma Copeland
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:14 am

Cuz I'm Bonemonster. :P Also, I'm currently writing you a PM about that

What kind of looming apocalyptic disaster are you hiding from us? We're citizens, dammit, we pay the taxes, we pay for your salary, we deserve the truth! :P

What about the server in general? Everyone still off doing their own thing? Still playing politics? I know I was partly responsible for the current setup, but I just don't think it really worked. I mean, I'd love to play a grandiose RTS game with you guys, but Minecraft is not that game.

I think the idea of having our own pre-determined land worked pretty well. If we ever start a new map (god forbid), it would be a good system to add again, though it'd need a bit more tweaking. But yeah, as much as I too wanted to see some politics going on, we're all just too focused on building, myself included.

Edit: And I'll update the map with all the recent claims later today.
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:50 am

Dont think I'll be playing much until we get another update. The game is incredibly laggy for me. There's a 40second break between me typing chat and it actually being sent/appearing, 99% of blocks when destroyed with immediately reappear, items on the ground are unpickupable, and I'm taking about 2 hearts worth of damage with every log in. :(

And no-one touch Mordor while I'm away! It's (meant to be) Green!
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 3:23 pm

Dont think I'll be playing much until we get another update. The game is incredibly laggy for me. There's a 40second break between me typing chat and it actually being sent/appearing, 99% of blocks when destroyed with immediately reappear, items on the ground are unpickupable, and I'm taking about 2 hearts worth of damage with every log in. :(

Yeah may not play for a bit too, I lost 2 iron pics due to lag and lava. And lag and a zombie. Even without that it still lagged alot.
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 3:46 pm

Do we know when infinite diamond tools will be implemented? and what is the stalemate reference in the description?
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:53 pm

Do we know when infinite diamond tools will be implemented? and what is the stalemate reference in the description?

I don't think that there are any plans to make diamond tool unbreakable.

And the Stalemate is about something that I'm not sure can be mentioned in too much detail yet.

However, the idea of yet another new map has been presented.
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:39 pm

I don't think that there are any plans to make diamond tool unbreakable.

Oh I heard that there is a mod that can do that.
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Kate Norris
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:36 pm

Oh I heard that there is a mod that can do that.

a new map :cryvaultboy:
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James Wilson
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:58 am

a new map :cryvaultboy:

Maybe. Nothing is set in stone yet.
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:20 pm

Maybe. Nothing is set in stone yet.
but why would there be a new one so soon?
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:36 am

You'll have to wait on Bonemonster to explain.
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Melis Hristina
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 10:38 am

You'll have to wait on Bonemonster to explain.

Indeed. Here is a PM I got from Ant, who makes a very good point and my reply:

Bonemonster, I heard from Simpson you and Undone are planning to start a new map, apparently because the boundaries of the current map were broken and you want to start a new one, and because there isn't enough drama in this server. And apparently it's set in stone. If I can't convince you to stop this, can you at least tell me your reasoning behind it? This game is not a war simulator. You guys are going to force us to start on a brand new map, yet again, because we haven't been going to war? Is that seriously what's going on? That's ridiculous. This game is about building, and that's what we've been doing. It may be boring, but it's clear the people of this server don't want to do anything else, and forcing us to do drama like we're nothing but some pawns to entertain the mods is unacceptable. The will of the handful of mods is not the same as the will of all our people, and it's clear that even if you guys want drama, we aren't interested in it, at least not before we finish doing what this game was made for, i.e. building things.

Furthermore, do you really think you can stop people from breaking the barrier of the map again? Nothing, even a wall of bedrock from the bottom of the map to the top, can stop someone from expanding the barriers if they're determined. The only way to do that would be to have the top of the wall be above the height limit that ordinary users can reach.

But I'd like to hear your side of the story. But if your reasons for starting a new map are really like this, I'm really considering not joining the next map. What's the point? What if all us little sheeps can't dance around and perform enough drama to keep the all powerful moderators entertained, and we start another map the next month, or the month after that? I'm sure my opinion will be the same as many peoples once you publically reveal your plans.

We aren't starting a new map because there isn't any war. We said that in the chat. People are spread too far apart. There is no interaction. No sense of community. People are too afraid to leave their areas for fear of thieving and griefing. We wanted to go back to the old Aldgate rules where everyone lived in one big city.

Aldgate was our best community project. Players worked together and it felt like real multiplayer. As it stands now it just feels like single player with a chat box. Those are few of the reasons why Undone and I proposed the change. Here are a few more:

- It is difficult to moderate such a large area effectively. With everyone in one big city thieving and griefing will be almost nonexistant.
- With the old Aldgate rules, gold will become useful again. It will give players something to do. Buy something from player run shops or the Imperial shop, or even land outside the city to freebuild upon.
- With one big city, the server will feel like a community again.
- All items will be available for purchase from the Imperial Shop. This will help drive an economy like never before. Especially since shopkeepers can't be on all the time.
- Changes to the moderator list to ensure that there is at least one mod on at all times. It may not work out that way but that is the plan.
- With one big city there would be no need to have an everchanging map as zones change day after day because everyone will be in one city.
- With Aldgate rules building outside the city is illegal without a permit. This will help keep the map small, it worked wonders the first time around, because who is going to build something outside the area when any bandit/city agent/citizen can just seize that property and/or destroy it?

These are just a few of the reasons. If you have any questions, just ask.

In my opinion, Aldgate was our best idea. It worked and people felt like they were in a community. There was minimal thieving and griefing in the city was non-existent save for a few major incidents (I'm looking at you Eddard!)

EDIT: Again, its not set in stone. We just put the idea forward today.
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:01 pm

Darn obsidian thieves >_<

I had almost enough for my project (bout 35 peices)
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Karine laverre
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:20 am

THis is something that I've been meaning to ask: If Aldgate was so great why was it destroyed and abandoned?
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Christie Mitchell
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 4:26 pm

THis is something that I've been meaning to ask: If Aldgate was so great why was it destroyed and abandoned?

Because almost everyone moved to Torhemn after the Torhemn council bought the land and made it legal. Then came the "Temple Wars" idea and [censored] it all up. (Thanks Bonemonster)
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Rach B
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:54 pm

Because almost everyone moved to Torhemn after the Torhemn council bought the land and made it legal. Then came the "Temple Wars" idea and [censored] it all up. (Thanks Bonemonster)

Ah ha! So it was you! Hmm, so if you're the one who basically came up with destroying Aldgate, then new Aldgate will be better!

...wait. Hmm, I seem to be sleepier then I thought.
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luis ortiz
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:19 pm

Indeed. Here is a PM I got from Ant, who makes a very good point and my reply:

In my opinion, Aldgate was our best idea. It worked and people felt like they were in a community. There was minimal thieving and griefing in the city was non-existent save for a few major incidents (I'm looking at you Eddard!)

EDIT: Again, its not set in stone. We just put the idea forward today.

Well, now that I know your exact reasons, I'm much less furious. You make some good points, but I do have questions and concerns. How big is the map going to be in comparison to the current one? How much land will we each be able to get? How will it be possible to build structures that may be deemed eyesores by our neighbors? Is the territory still going to be organized so we don't have a mess like the first map? And those are just a few of them, but I'll ask more later.

I agree that our current map doesn't feel like one big community, however we do have small pockets of communities. Me, Simpson, Robbio and Bullfrog, for example. But that's because we managed to wind up building so close to each other. But I have no idea how the majority of other territories are doing, because they're too far away. So you do have a good point.

IF we do make a new map, though, this really, really needs to be the last one, unless something goes horribly, horribly wrong.
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Chris BEvan
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:33 pm

but then there is no vault sparta and all that work is for nothing. i <3 my loot 01100100 01101111 01101110 01110100 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100011 01101011 00100000 01100010 01101111 01101110 01100101
vault sparta is a community of 5 people all working for a brighter future underground
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 4:31 pm


I'll say it right now. If a new map is started on the whims of a few of the admins, then I'm unlikely to stick around.

I know that I (and probably more than a few others) invested a lot of time and effort into their current properties on the map expecting them to hang around for a long while. I have absolutely no desire to have to start again after the amount of pure pain I went through to get my place the way it is now.

Claiming the current map is "boring" is pure foolishness in my opinion. Lets consider some of the reasons put forward for changing.
1. Map size: We all knew the small map thing would not last forever, we have a griefer amongst us. If anyone honestly thought that everyone would stay within the limits and be a nice happy community they were kidding themselves. It was inevitable that someone would act the fool and break the rules. More so, with more and more people, the current restrictions wouldn't have lasted long. Besides, if people are "afraid to go out" because of griefing, then take more steps to stop griefing. I can think of several people that I'm amazed are still playing after some of the crap that's happened. If you want to eliminate it completely, then be prepared to crack down on it.
2. Lack of 'War': I said it once and I'll say it again, "War" would have simply been justified griefing. Even with tough restrictions there would be no-way to properly police it. We all saw what happened in our first 'war', in the end it got out of hand and just crapped things us. Criticizing the lack of players taking advantage of a flawed and ultimately stupid idea is in no way a failing. Personally, even if in "war" someone had blown up my walls, I wouldn't have simply continued happily, I'd be pissed that something I spent ages making it gone, war or no war.
3. This map isnt that developed because its not that old and has experienced multiple hiccups. If we had enjoyed continuous stability and decent connections I have no doubt that we'd be far more developed. My original plans for New Mordor were reduced because I couldn't work properly with constant drop-outs and other issues, and it wouldn't surprise me if others were the same. If you're really that peeved about it, then begin a proper roadway system between settlements, or add some sort of mod that enables proper working Minecarts (and yes they exist). If we all just stayed together, it would feel far too cramped. Better connectivity would easily fix this problem, and this would have already happened if not for other issues.

Thats my rant for the moment. But the TL:DR version: New map=probably no Robbio, and the reasons for proposing a new map in my mind dont justify a new slate.
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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:05 pm

Well, now that I know your exact reasons, I'm much less furious. You make some good points, but I do have questions and concerns. How big is the map going to be in comparison to the current one? How much land will we each be able to get? How will it be possible to build structures that may be deemed eyesores by our neighbors? Is the territory still going to be organized so we don't have a mess like the first map? And those are just a few of them, but I'll ask more later.

I agree that our current map doesn't feel like one big community, however we do have small pockets of communities. Me, Simpson, Robbio and Bullfrog, for example. But that's because we managed to wind up building so close to each other. But I have no idea how the majority of other territories are doing, because they're too far away. So you do have a good point.

IF we do make a new map, though, this really, really needs to be the last one, unless something goes horribly, horribly wrong.

Well the plan was to make a new city with Aldgate rules. However it would be much larger then Aldgate and built by the mods (And possibly trusted members) before being actually put up on the server.

The plan that I put forth was that we would build the walls first, then build main roads. Everything would be built off of some sort of road. No random houses in the middle of a ditch. From those main roads you would split off with lesser roads after set intervals. Call them back alleys if you wish.

As for the actual city plan, there are four districts planned. Commercial (Shops and such), industrial (Production such as, cobble, farms, etc.), residential (Homes and private property), and administrative (Mod castle/fort/palace/office building). Now What I think is that the main entrance should be right into the market (because that's how it's done at Walmart), then have a lesser entrance in each of the major sectors and ways to get between them. This all needs to be planned out. Down to the block count of the walls.

However I would be just as happy to build the entire Imperial City in the current map.
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:50 am

Thats my rant for the moment. But the TL:DR version: New map=probably no Robbio, and the reasons for proposing a new map in my mind dont justify a new slate.

Robbio also makes a good point. A lot of people, especially him, have put a lot of time into their current projects, and making them start all over is cruel. If we had a transportation network that guaranteed safe travel in between territories at all times of the day (meaning not just simple roads), people might actually want to go see what people have made without fearing for their lives.

Well the plan was to make a new city with Aldgate rules. However it would be much larger then Aldgate and built by the mods (And possibly trusted members) before being actually put up on the server.

The plan that I put forth was that we would build the walls first, then build main roads. Everything would be built off of some sort of road. No random houses in the middle of a ditch. From those main roads you would split off with lesser roads after set intervals. Call them back alleys if you wish.

As for the actual city plan, there are four districts planned. Commercial (Shops and such), industrial (Production such as, cobble, farms, etc.), residential (Homes and private property), and administrative (Mod castle/fort/palace/office building). Now What I think is that the main entrance should be right into the market (because that's how it's done at Walmart), then have a lesser entrance in each of the major sectors and ways to get between them. This all needs to be planned out. Down to the block count of the walls.

However I would be just as happy to build the entire Imperial City in the current map.

The only way I could see this working well is if the residential area was really large. People aren't going to want to feel cramped into a tiny area.

And explain the Aldgate rules for me, as well as for everyone who was not around for the old map, or wasn't around long enough to learn the rules, such as myself.
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