Unofficial Minecraft Thread 43

Post » Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:37 pm

Rules for Conduct and Discussion Within this Topic:

* All discussions regarding server administration and decisions must take place at:
* Any discussion regarding the running of the server is forbidden within this thread, and will be considered in breach of the CD rules.
* Any discussion regarding your activities within the BGSF community server, any other Minecraft server or a Single-Player world is allowed within this thread.
* Any other Minecraft related discussion that is in accordance with the BGSF CD rules is allowed within this thread.

Important Notice for all those Interested in the Server and its Status:

Admins - These people act as a House of Lords to the decision making process; they are able to veto decisions that they would consider detrimental or negative to the health of the server, however most decisions made by the Council will be passed. They will also maintain the server and have the final say in issues regarding moderating.

Council - Decision making representatives of the player-base. These members are put forward by the players to represent them, but the final decision on appointment falls on the Admins and existing council members. Except in extreme conditions, the decision of this group will determine any changes to the server.
Council Members:

To see council debates refer to Jamies forums and the suggestion board in the Admin Tower.

All discussions of the above must take place at Jamies - any discussion pertaining to the issues raised here, and other server issues are not suitable for the BGSF, and shall be reported, as stated in the rules for this thread.

What is Minecraft?

Minecraft is a creative sandbox game centered around exploration and survival; exploring and gathering resources allows you to protect yourself against a variety of beasties that hunt you down during the night. The creative sandbox elements of the game fuel your want to survive and gather, which in turn allow you to build many wonderful creations. Basic fluid physics also provide interesting means of creating basic machines. The multiplayer is very similar to the single-player, just with more people.

Links and Resources

Server Information
The server is open, but only if you are running minecraft beta 1.4! For beta 1.5 users, please be patient while we wait on bukkit plugin devs to fix what done been broke.

Server IP:PORT

Some new stuff is brewing over at Jamies. You all should really register over there and check it out. Have fun!

We don't have a member list anymore. Help me out here by telling me your Minecraft name so I can set one up again.

So far I have:
SimpsonFly - SimpsonFly
Skoomaholics Anonymous - Skoomaholic
Colonel Martyr - LSO
Allstarn08 - Allstarn
Lemunde - Lemunde
Kaitou Kid - Xkira
dudeordudet? - Keywork100992

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Roisan Sweeney
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:59 am

I, SkyShadowing, heretofore avow to you, Bonemonster, Master of Threads, that the Minecraft name of SkyShadowing is... SkyShadowing.
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Aliish Sheldonn
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