» Sun Nov 14, 2010 7:50 pm
I might finish my fort one day, I now plan on removing the top layers, and removing the glass. In place I will build two solid levels with murder holes and then a third and forth level with view points.
Placing a single look out tower on the very top about 5-6 levels high. (one level for me is 6 pieces of half block).
The gate house is finished and can only be opened from inside.
I am fairly sure that there is at this moment no way in the fort with out either,
1)cheating and stacking blocks up to climb over the top or bust out glass to enter.
2) tunneling under and then up.
If I get around to it, on my to do list is,
1) finish flattening the area around the fort.
2) tear down and rebuild it w/o windows on the first two floors.
3) make enough glass back to replace windows in third and fourth floor.
4) find enough iron to make a second set of double doors after the first single door at the gate house.
Then I can return to my first home, now converted storage area and mine.
I wonder if we will ever see anything like "miner dig deep" has in terms of drills/machines.