What happened to the Vault? I'll tell you:
I will NOT.
NOT. Give out names. Nobody deserves to be banned over this.
I decide it would be fun if we threw a little bit of dissent into the game. I build a little hidden room filled with anti-overseer signs. A certain admin discovers me building the room. He likes the idea and keeps quiet.
One day I log in and suddenly another Admin is questioning me about Vault rebels. It becomes apparent he's found the room. I play it off saying things like "You'll never find out who they are!" and all that. This same admin spots me in the overseer's office. I'm told that's against "vault law." Wait a minute; here's the rules I agreed to:
1. Never tell anyone the location of the vault.
2. If you go AFK always remember that your name can still be seen. When Hmod is back you should sethome to the vault and always go to spawn when you are AFK. Until Hmod is back, going AFK either means you should log out or make SURE that nobody is around on the surface.
3. Never leave the airlock door open! Leaving the airlock door open allows outsiders to see the secret entrance to the vault!
4. If you go outside of the vault and onto the surface, never leave any traces that you were there. If you cut down a tree, trim the leaves. If you mine some sand, make it look natural. If you mine some clay, fill in the holes the clay leaves with sand. Use your noggin!
5. Eventually the vault will have an underground bank for the entire server. The bank will be encased in adminium and will have an Iron Door with an elaborate redstone torch combination lock. Never take any items from the bank that aren't yours. Never give out the combination, should you receive it. Never leave the bank door open!
6. Never mine upwards to the surface, you could inadvertently expose the vault to the outside world!
7. Never mine into the netherstone walls.
8. No unapproved expansions.
9. Obey the Overseer.
Nowhere in there does it say anything about the Overseer's office.
ANYWAY! The reason I was in the office? I was going to leave a message. Just a fun message from the rebels to the overseer. A kind of first contact. That's all. Then? I play around a bit, and log off. I'm not sure if there's another day in between there. If there was, then I didn't do anything remember-able.
I log in again another day. A certain someone comes on Steam and puts me up to speed. Apparently my secret room had been found and Bone had destroyed it "as an example." Somebody had liked my room and rebuilt it. Somebody else accidentally sets off the vault's "self-destruct system" or something. I'm unsure on what exactly happened after that, but apparently more TNT was placed and set off in different areas. They didn't really explain it that well. It was mostly a "Hey! Look what happened

!" kind of thing.
So. Now I'm on the threshold of being banned and I don't even know exactly why. Great.