Put yourself in his shoes, how would
you feel if you were
being denied to play a game you've paid for because
someone is a little paranoid? It's just unfair and quite frankly mean.
I'll PM you the IP now Popcorn.

That's interesting TeeHee, I never realized the BGSF server was the only multiplayer server that existed in Minecraft, and that Notch took out the singleplayer so everybody would be forced to play on this server. I really should contact Notch about that.
I agree. Of all the things to exclude people on, post count/join date makes for a pretty weak argument.
It isn't just his post count and join date, though that helps. Ever since I joined this server all anyone ever seems to talk about is how tired they are of these griefers, yet we keep adding in more and more people. If that isn't counter-intuitive I don't know what is. If we were to put a halt on adding new members, anyone who's goal it was grief wouldn't wait around to join. Anyone who didn't want to grief would have been fine waiting. If this ban was in effect when I wanted to join, I would have been perfectly fine waiting, if it meant you were cracking down on the griefers that already exist.
I don't think I'm being paranoid, I think I'm thinking logically. But I guess since nobody is actually
trying to crack down on the griefing, it isn't counter-intuitive if we just keep adding more potential griefers because nobody seems to give a damn anyway. Lets just keep whining about griefers but doing nothing about them, because I'm
sure they'll just leave us alone eventually.