edit: disregard this post, I remembered something wrong.
edit: disregard this post, I remembered something wrong.
I never knew that the Gloves of the Pugilist made brawls much easier, but I should have. They work just as described: Unarmed strikes do 10 additional damage.
It does apply to brawls. And that extra damage adds up fast. They're also light armor, so if you eschew heavy, they're permissible.
Well I thought every brawl was just too easy, anyway. My level one on Expert beat that scary lady in the Bannered Mare.
I can't be positive this isn't a side effect of a mod, but I got rockjoint from a summoned familiar. I don't have any mods that should have done that so I think it is part of the base game. I was entering ustengrav and a necromancer (or maybe a conjurer) summoned a familiar, it bit me, and I got rockjoint which usually comes from wolves lol!
Yep, I was completely dazzled when I found that out, I kept rolling around whiterun for like 5 minutes. Its still a bit pointless because it takes about twice the stamina of a normal roll WITH the perk.
Nice touch. Similarly...
Try looking up outside Dagon's shrine.
I was in the Bard's College today and decided to investigate this. I could only loot the candlesticks that have no candles in them. I could move the little candles in bowls around with shouts, but not pick them up. And the candlesticks with candles in them are stuck in place as is the one plate that has a few candles on it.
I really wish I could loot the candles in Solstheim that are modeled on Morrowind ones (or the lanterns as well). In Morrowind I had decorating with candles down to a fine art with the variety of golden, blue and red flames with different intensities. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Lights I guess it's back to tucking torches in the back of shelves and behind cupboards again for me.
Edit: I sometimes use things inspired by forum users as tiny quests, and there was another question by a poster who wanted to know what two notes in the Thieves Guild cistern were. I cannot find the post after numerous searches using keywords, but he/she described them as unattainable under the first end table to the left when you enter through the crypt. This was great for me since I collect reading material and I hadn't seen either of them before. So thank you whoever it was that mentioned them. I took screenshots of them to link for you, but I cannot find where you asked about them. If anyone knows what I'm talking about, please link me to the thread.
You mean this? http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1456801-thieves-hideout-mystery-notes-of-unreachable/
Woot, Thanks!
Seems somebody else found them, but I had fun discovering them as well.
THANKS! Finally I know what the damn things say!! They've been bugging me for ages!
There's another unobtainable note under the set of drawers in Idgrod's bedroom. I love collecting stuff like this, but really, making it impossible to pick them up is going too far. I feel like I'm being trolled.
Oh thanks, I needed to hear that there's more...LOL
I think you were becoming to familar with your familiar
- You can reverse pickpocket arrows to guards shooting arrows and pick them from target
- Giving your follower arrows won′t consume them when used by your follower
- You can pickpocket the axe with right perks from Solitude after the head cutting scene
- Jumping in a blacksmith forge levels up you destruction skill
I just now realized that C is Auto-move on PC. I hit it on accident and actually screamed when I realized what I had found. Automove is the best.
I just finished Sanguine's quest and was transported back to the Silver Blood in. I decide to cast a dremora for fun. Ogmund starts playing a song and my dremora whips out a tankard and starts dancing and drinking along XD I really didn't expect it!
Maybe it was the unofficial patch for Skyrim I installed on the PC but when I rescued Thorald from Northwatch, the other prisoners left with us. Normally they remained in their cells after I opened them. So this I never knew.
I noticed that about a month ago. I never knew there was a lever so I always picked the locks which could have been why they never followed me.
I was at Alftand today (The dwemer ruin with the elder scroll)
- Apparently there's a tower that goes from the bottom to the top of the glacier.
- After the khajiit brothers there was a secret area with chests I found involving the dwemer pressure pipes that go up and down.
there is two levers right by the doorway into the prison cell hallway past the torture room. Its on the left on the floor.
... npc will fight against themselves when you drop food on the floor/ground.
After playing for hundreds of hours, I found out only recently that Aval Atheron in Windhelm is a general merchant. I always took him for a butcher and didn't pay him much attention.